Does/Has anyone own(ed) an ES?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Does/Has anyone own(ed) an ES?

    If you have or have had an English Shepherd please let me know.  I have one now and he is just a big baby.  My grandma had 4 at one time but has none currently.  Not a lot of people on here responded when I asked if they knew what an ES was a couple months ago.  Photos would also be appreciated.  I will post some pictures of mine after while.  (gotta pick which ones I like the best)
    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't own one, but I've worked with a couple and know a fair number of people who have them. They're great dogs! :)
    • Gold Top Dog
    OK here are the pictures I promised (sorry I'm a little late on them)

    • Gold Top Dog
    Just absolutely, positively gorgeous!!!!!
    Of course, I am an Aussie owner, so as you might guess, I like the herders.
    When I'm too old to deal with Aussies, an ES might be in my future - you never know.  They are a bit more mellow than my speckled little monstah. [:D]
    • Bronze
    I've seen a few in flyball and think they are a really nice breed. One I might consider one day owning. Don't see many of them around where I live though. Gotta love those herding breeds. [;)]

    • Gold Top Dog
    WOW, what a HANDSOME guy, absolutely a knockout.  Love the pic with his tongue hanging out the side, my Krystal does that a lot!  Forgets to draw her tongue back in before closing the mouth to smell something!  Of course, I am partial with Border Collies and Aussies being my favorite breeds.  He looks like a beefier Border Collie.
    How's his personality?  Does he have a strong herding drive?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Ummmm..... I don't really know about the herding drive.  As I do not have anything for him to herd and when we go somewhere that does have something to herd I recall him before he gets too far. 
    The ES are very much like a ''beefier BC''!  I just absolutly LOVE mine!  I haven't seen anyone besides my grandma with one around here.  I wonder if maybe the breed has a bad reputation so people don't want them?  Everything I read about them is positive.  Maybe they are just not popular or people have not heard about them. 
    Thank you everyone for your comments!
    • Gold Top Dog
    OK I really got him from my grandma but the lady she got him from her name is Mary Hippler.   My grandma would highly recommend Mary Peasley though.  There is another guy who raises only black and tan but I forgot his name. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    By the way 2CrazyAussies:  I really LOVE your pup!  I guess no one on here has ever personally owned one.  What would be a good sport to get him into?  The breed is like a bigger, meatier Border Collie...
    • Gold Top Dog
    pretty dog [:)]
    i like the breed. old time workers kept natural.... as it should be.
    • Gold Top Dog
    one of my clients had one. she was beautiful and very sweet.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Timbersmom:  Where did your client live?  I noticed you were from Arkansas, too!  How cool!  Where do you live in Arkansas?  What breeds of dogs do you have?
    • Gold Top Dog
    I had a quick question so I just decided to add it to this.  So do most of the people in this forum have at least one if not all purebreds?  I personally have an English Shepherd and I have a small little mixed breed from the shelter that they guessed what was at least part Sheltie.  I'm not really sure of that...but who knows with a mixed breed?
    • Gold Top Dog
    i have one pure bred American Bulldog(Kaydee) and co-own another American Bulldog(Bo) and i have an American Bulldog/American Mastiff mix aka Rock Dog (Ben) and then there is Cindi the pit or pit mix.

    The two pure breds are stable and predictable, they are spot on for the breed standard when it comes to personality and looks, Ben LOOKS like an AB but he is aloof and shy and unsure of himself. but he's a good boy. part of it is because he was a kennel dog and part of it is his breedings. from what i have read about "Rock Dogs" is they were created by drug dealers to look and act vicious but still allow "trafficking"
    Ben was not used for that, but that is the history on that breed. If i had only known that before i got him i probably wouldnt have brought him home. my other two dogs i can rely on to be protective in any situation, but Ben would probably turn tail and run if he was ever challenged by a wild animal or an intruder. i hope i am wrong, but.... i have a feeling that i'm not.
    • Gold Top Dog
    DumDog:  Do you have any pictures of your dogs you could show us?  I have never seen the "Rock Dog" before.  As you can probably tell I have an ES and a mixed breed (if you read the earlier posts)!  If you want to see some pictures I can put some up here.  And a really nice lady on here is making me a thing to go on my sig.  It will have two pictures each of my two dogs.