Shih Tzu lovers out there!!

    • Puppy
    I have 2 shih tzu's  with allergies   red skin itchy  they both have dry eyes they get gucky i have spent $$$ at the vet. Nothing helps They are very  ;picky eaters. I am at witts end any help would be appreciated . Sharon
    • Puppy
    Hi all! I'm owned by a black/white male Shih Tzu, Kismet...aka Kizzy.He's has spoiled as my kids (or he has me has trained as they do LOL) He's absolutely a joy, especially on the weekends when my kids are at their dads.  Anyway, Kizzy and our cats play a's pretty funny to watch, but today I took him to the vet because his eye got punctured.  Now we're on an aggressive treatment of antibiotics and steroids trying to keep from loosing it. Wish us luck and watch these guys eyes!
    Racheal, mom to Kizzy

    • Puppy
    Hi there... I have a pregnant Shih Tzu.... She is having problems feeding.. please can anyone help.... If so please read my questions in full on the pregnancy page.  Thanks for looking.. 
    • Bronze
    Hi Ashley:  My girlfriend bought a black Shih Tzu baby boy and he is just the most adorable guy I have met.  My sister is also owned by a Shih Tzu (Jodie) and she is beige and white.  I have attached a pic of my girlfriend's black Shih Tzu - Enjoy
    Meet Buddie - He was just over 3 months here
    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh my goodness, Buddy is soooo CUTE!! I love those little Ewok faces. There's no cuter breed than the Shih Tzu if you ask me. [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    My baby is 3 1/2 years old.  She was brown and white when we got her but her color has changed to apricot and white.  Her biggest problem is eating.  She is so picky.  At times I have to feed her laying on the floor with a spoon.  I find if I force a bit into her mouth she seems to realize "Hmmmm this stuff isnt bad" and eats the rest on her own.  She will gobble her food down when she's at grandmas (grandma has a poodle) as she doesnt want the other dog to get it.  Perhaps the answer is to get another shih-tzu??? 

    Question?  How much should she sleep each day?  I am a teacher and have noticed her sleeping an awful lot.  I dont know if it's just because I am not usually home or what? 


    • Gold Top Dog
    I found that my Shih Tzu slept most of the day until we got him another shih tzu friend.  Now that I have 2 they play together quite a bit.  Maybe your pup just needs a friend!
    Question to everyone:  Do you find that your Shih Tzu seems to think he/she is a Giant breed dog?  My blk and white male goes nuts trying to "take on" big dogs.  He went for the throat of a HUGE irish setter once and he is NOT an aggressive dog to adults, kids, or small dogs.  Wierd eh?
    • Gold Top Dog
    My black and white Shi Tzu male is friendly to all dogs regardless of size.  He does think he is a big dog in little body.  But he is not aggressive to any dogs or people.  he is a really good boy.
    • Puppy
    Hi! We have a little girl, Kali, who's color is brindle...When we saw her at 5 weeks, she was more on the black/dark brown/white side...She's 5 months old now and her color has gotten a lot lighter...She's the love of our lives![:)]

    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh my gosh she is just the cutest little thing ever!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have been feeding Natural Balance Duck and Potato now for a few weeks and I really like it. My youngest, Nemo, used to have tear stains and runny eyes before that, and this has really helped. Itchies decreased too. I do let them have some canned food also once a day along with their dry.
    • Puppy
    She sure is! Well, I'm her mommy so I'm biased[:)] But we can't imagine what our lives would be without her.  I had her shaved down for the summer and but she's still as pretty as ever...As for playmates,  we're lucky cuz two of our friends have shih tzus too and all 3 of them are only weeks apart.  We hope to get her a sister soon too so she won't be too lonely when we're at work, although we've taken her to work quite a few times already...
    • Gold Top Dog
    Anyone's Shih Tzus get the "zoomies" after a bath?  Mine go NUTS together.. It is too cute.  Also, I just had a baby 8 weeks ago and my two are just great with him.  They aren't the least bit jelous (although I have been paying as much attention to them as I can, more walks, more love and I don't scold for sniffing or even kissing the baby!).  I am so lucky with my two Shih Tzus. They have been great!
    • Gold Top Dog
    My Zoe will be 3 on July 31.  She is an amazing dog, and extremely smart.  She loves to do tricks for her treats!  I feed her NB Salmon and Potato.  She too has some problems with allergies.  She licks her front paws alot and does some scratching on her sides and bites her tail.  She has had a couple of ear infections, but as long as I pluck out her ear hairs she is fine.  The food has defintely helped.  I feed her Eagle Pack for awhile and the tan on her body and face got darker!  She also started having tear stains then too.  I   switched her over to the NB then and her fur got lighter again.
       Zoe is so funny!  If I am around then I am the only one she wants to be with,,,, unless there is food involed, of course!  She usually doesn't eat much during the day as she is hoping to get food from us. lol.  She suceeds sometimes[8|]  She will eat the rest of her food later in the evening or in the night. 
      If my hubby wants her to come to him she first looks at me as to ask, "is it ok?" or "do I have too?"  She is very obedient, but she has been difficult to house train.  We are still working on it.  We have lamanite flooring and have area rugs too.  I realize she was piddling on some of them with out us knowing!  I have taken them all away and now she can't hide it![8D]
       Tzu's are the BEST!!
    • Puppy
    So ummmm my lil shih tzu is/was black and white and he's turning tan/red/dark brown and white. So I am wondering if anyone else has any black and white shih tzu that has turned a lighter color of a brown or tan.