Shih Tzu lovers out there!!

    • Silver
    Here is my bundle of joy



    • Puppy
    My fiance and I are looking for a dog to call our own... unfortunately we have differing opinions in the type of dog we want.  We do have allergies so that limits the breeds we can look at.
    However, we have narrowed our choices to the Shih-Tzu, Cairn Terrier, and the Norwich Terrier.
    My fiance wants a "foo foo" dog to dress up in bows, etc etc... I want a dog that will play in the park with me, throw the ball around, etc.
    I was told Shih-Tzu's are not good with heavy physical activity such as long walks, playing ball in the park, and such. They seem to be more indoor, pampered dogs.
    Does anyone here have any input on this?  I had a Cairn Terrier growing up (she's waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for me) and I felt she was an amazing breed.  I'd like to hear peoples input on Shih-Tzu's
    • Bronze
    My dog had terrible skin allergies and escalated to red mange (not contagious) when she had her vaccinations the last time.  I read everything I could and asked everyone. She had been on Nutro Dental Formula and I changed and  I started feeding her Eagle Pack Holistic Sardine Formula and noticed a big change right away. (I e-mailed Eagle Pack's nutritionist and told them what the problems were and they e-mailed me back the next day with a recommendation.)   The sores on her feet healed up, the hair on her face grew back in and she has not had any other problems or scratching.   This was the last resort when I had tried everything the vet suggested, tried oatmeal and special shampoos, and looked on the net for remedies that either didn't help or made the areas more inflamed.  I am so glad that on one of the posts members were discussing diet, it has made a huge difference for my girl.  [:D]
    • Puppy
    I have a black and white male shih tzu that I got a week and a half ago from a nearby breeder.  He was born Dec 6.  We named him Dan.  I bought him because I eventually plan to return to work part time and did not want my pom/toy poodle cross to be lonely.
    I am so happy, he has been very easy to housetrain and only has accidents on occasion.  He is loving and smart and not afraid of my pomXpoodle.  They play to gether for hours.
    He does have a tear stain problem, and the stains are a pinky colour which i am not sure is normal.  We are seeing the vet today.
    The food I was using did have beet pulp in it, which may be contributing to the stains, so i am switching him to Canidae, any other food suggestions would be welcomed.
    • Silver
    hello CXTbadboy.  I just wanted to let you know that my shih tzu loves to run. We usually take him running with the puppy and we usually go 4 miles. It's so funny becasue when we run back home he gets his tail down and his little legs go as fast as they can. He plays with the other 2 dogs and every now and then he gets these funny energy boosts where he runs through the house. It's pretty entertaining to watch [:D] He also has a lazy side and just loves to sleep and nap. a Shih Tzu makes a great lap dog and sleeping buddy. Mine sleeps on our pillows and wraps himself around our head. I highly recommend them. They are wonderful dogs.
    • Silver
    Hi everyone,  I am so glad a found a place just to talk about Shih Tsu's.  I had my black and white Gizmo for 16 years.  I now have 8 month old Madison.  She is brown and white and a crazy little girl.   How is everyone doing with training, such as sit,stay etc.   Gizmo was a spoiled brat and did whatever he wanted and I told everyone that Madison will not be that way.  Any information would be great.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Harley too beginner dog obedience last summer.  He did very well.  He knows, sit, stay, down, wait, come, heel, speak, dance, sing, crawl and bed.  We worked with treats and he learned very fast. 
    I got Harley when he was 2 years old when his owner could no longer could care for him.  He was a spoiled boy and didn't have any training other then he knew his name.  Now he knows all the above and we are working on other tricks and he will be continuing obedience training and maybe take a try at agility.
    • Silver
    thanks I think I just need to spend the time because she is smart.
    I was reading all the posts and my Gizmo was allergic to beef.  Madison started scratching and shaking her head a lot and when I took the beef out of her diet (treats included) it stopped.  Hope that helped some of you.
    • Bronze
    Hi I am new this is my shih tzu Chucky


    • Silver
    I love his colors!!!!  He is adorable.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow, I haven't checked this thread in a really long time!

    ORIGINAL: cootiesmom

    He does have a tear stain problem, and the stains are a pinky colour which i am not sure is normal.  We are seeing the vet today.
    The food I was using did have beet pulp in it, which may be contributing to the stains, so i am switching him to Canidae, any other food suggestions would be welcomed.

    Beet pulp in dog food is from sugar beets- which are white and not a cause of red tear staining. [;)]

    egalleano- Congrats on your new Shih Tzu! He's adorable and looks VERY sophisticated in his sweater and fancy collar.
    • Silver
    OH MY, all of your kids are Gorgeous, aren't tzu's just Heaven? If I could I would fill my home w/them!
    I too fight allergy issues w/my oldes, Eve. She used to get a pred. shot (steroid) every few mths. but this is soo bad for them. I switched them to Natural Balance fish and sweet potatoe but w/the recall I've taken them off and put them on the Solid Gold Barking at the Moon, it's grain free. She hasn't had a shot for over a yr. and her licking is soo much better.
    I saw in another post about them getting the "zoomies" after a bath? Mine do but they also do what I call the Tzu 500  they run around and around like they are in a race![:D] I just can't say enough about this breed, I'll never have anythingelse. I'm soo lucky to have found them and have these babies in my life.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have a Shih tzu and a Llhasa Apso. I give them Brewer's Yeast chewable tabs that you can find at WalMart or Target or any pet store (along with a good chewable multi-vitamin). My vet recommended it as they would not take the fish oil. I would not recommend putting fish oil on your dog as it stinks super bad!!!!! My vet also said that weekly bathing is too much as it strips the skins natural oils and can actually contribute to the dry, flaky, itchy skin. I take them to the groomer every other week and they use a special skin shampoo on them. One more thing that he recommended is Gold Bond Medicated Power (for people) rub it down into their skin and it really works!!!!!

    I hope this helps!!! ;)
    • Gold Top Dog
    I've only had my Tzu for four weeks, but he doesn't seem to have any allergy problems as a pup.  He's eating Evo as do all of my beasties.  It's so much fun to see everyone's pictures!  I'll share too...this is Grissom.

    • Puppy
    We just brought home an 8 week old Shih Tzu puppy yesterday!! We have a a Morkie, a Yorkie and a Boykin Spaniel but I couldnt resist one more dog and since I have always wanted a Shih Tzu my dreams are now realized. We dont have a name for her as of yet so any suggestions would be awesome!! She is just teeny at 1 pound and makes my mork and york look like giants lol...and they are only 5 and 4 pounds respectively....she got her first grooming yesterday too as the breeder is my groomer that is why she has a little bow in her hair...I have to learn to do that!! Hope my picture shows..