Another breed mix, ideas?

    • Bronze

    Another breed mix, ideas?

    Please let me know what you think our 3 year Mystiques breed{s} could be....thanks!





    • Bronze

    i'm gona go with cattle dog/ gsd mix. very cute. love the ears. as you can tell by my twitch, i'm an ear woman!

    • Gold Top Dog

    i'm gona go with cattle dog/ gsd mix...

    ACD/GSD would be my guess, too.  I see a lot of Australian Cattle Dog in her puppy picture.

    • Gold Top Dog

     agree. ACD / GSD mix

    • Bronze

    thanks all for the me she looks like a german shepherd, but has the merle with two black spots on her back, and she has tall legs and skinny unlike a german shepherd, {when she was a puppy the vet said he thought she was a cattle dog and would more than likely be short and stout}

    its funny, everytime someone sees her they ask what kind of a dog she is and i say im not really sure! {and now with our new puppy merlin, the same thing and im definately not sure about him! }

    • Bronze

    thanks so much....her ears seem to have been the size they are now when she was a puppy and she has {mostly} grown into them ;)

    • Bronze

    thanks so much...when she was little the vet said she was a cattle dog and would be short and stout when she grew..{she is actually tall and skinny so im not sure where that came from!} she is a pure mix breed, haha

    • Gold Top Dog
    German Shepherd/ Australian cattle dog is my guess too. Cute! Edited to say, many Shepherds are tall and lanky with legs that seem to go ob forever, lol. My T-Bone is a good example of this body style.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I was going to say that too Beejou. I have never NOT considered the GSD as a thinner/lightly boned/built breed. They do not have a stout appearance to me. Certainly not in the way an English Foxhound or Akita or even Norweigan Elkhound or Chow, has "bone".

    • Gold Top Dog

    ...Norweigan Elkhound...

    You included them just for me, didn't you, Gina?  LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    I love them. If they and Keeshonden both weren't so LOUD I would probably have owned one by now LOL!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I love them. If they and Keeshonden both weren't so LOUD I would probably have owned one by now LOL! 

    Wow!  I didn't know that.  I grew up with Elkhounds.  Funny, I'm only hearing as an adult about them being barky.  I don't remember the ones we had barking except for when someone came on the property.  Then again, we lived on a farm, and they had lots of stuff to keep them occupied. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    They're supposed to be tho, it's part of their job Smile. Like Finkies. I like those too but again...the mouths! I cannot take anything that barks for foolish reasons. Yes I know I own Beagles...but mine are not normal in any way. Like the rest of us here at my house.

    • Bronze

    thanks again for the great family owned german shepherds when i was little and they were pretty tall, but ours were pretty hefty so i didnt realize they could be different, haha... absolutely love sheperds so i was excited to see her face take on a more shepherd look, as a pup i didnt really see shepherd... t-bone is beautiful!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh thanks :) T-Bone also loves the pretty ladies.. he'd go crazy for Mystique, LOL!