Another breed mix, ideas?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Another thing to point out about being GSD, is her color development from puppy to adult. GSD puppies grow into their color as they become adults and loose a lot of the darker puppy fuzz especially around the mask and also up the legs developing the saddle look. Some of them you could almost not believe it is the same dog looking back at the puppy pics.
    • Gold Top Dog

     I have to go with the cattle dog/ shepherd mix as well. Looks something like one of our guys looked like as a pup and we thought he was cattle dogs. Grew up to be a very leggy fine boned only 29 pounds. Small fellow but a bit taller than some of the cattle dogs but definitely not the build of a cattle dog at all. He's a super athlete for agility though.

    • Gold Top Dog

      She really does look like a Cattle Dog/GSD mix. Very pretty dog :)

    • Gold Top Dog


      She really does look like a Cattle Dog/GSD mix. Very pretty dog :)


    I agree with all who said it -- my first thought, too.  And I agree with AGSD, very pretty :)