Dobe or Beauceron?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I also like Van Layne, but i'm not sure if Ziris has the titles you're after link

    Also had a friend who got a landgraf pup that i raelly like... link

    But honestly i'm not the person to listen to, lol. Just telling you a few working breeders i like. I secretly have my eye on a future litter of show line dobes :)

    • Gold Top Dog


     I also like Van Layne, but i'm not sure if Ziris has the titles you're after link

    Also had a friend who got a landgraf pup that i raelly like... link


     I think the working line Dobes are pretty cool - I would certainly go that direction if I were getting a Dobe. That said, the dogs in those two links wouldn't be competitive in the AKC Dobe ring :/

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog


    Bell'Lavoro has a Gio red male pup that's looking for a working home, DOB 4/23/09:  - those of you with conformation experience could give some feedback on his conf (which to me doesn't look like it could compete in AKC, but I don't show Dobes.)
    • Gold Top Dog



    Bell'Lavoro has a Gio red male pup that's looking for a working home, DOB 4/23/09:  - those of you with conformation experience could give some feedback on his conf (which to me doesn't look like it could compete in AKC, but I don't show Dobes.)

     I don't show Dobes but have been around the conformation world for quite some time and did show GSDs, which are equally competive.

     This is what the Dobe club says show Dobes should look like:

     It is hard to tell a lot from Gio's pictures but his tailset is is too low and his tail is docked too short for the AKC ring. His neck carriage is too far forward likely due to shoulder placement. I suspect as he matures, he will not be near elegant enough for the AKC ring (I'm not sure Dobes were ever supposed to be elegant but that is another topic ;)).

    • Gold Top Dog

     Oooh Paige i really like that boy! I love the Tejas dobes. I agree though, wouldn't do much in the ring, but quite a stunner!!

    • Gold Top Dog



     I also like Van Layne, but i'm not sure if Ziris has the titles you're after link

    Also had a friend who got a landgraf pup that i raelly like... link


     I think the working line Dobes are pretty cool - I would certainly go that direction if I were getting a Dobe. That said, the dogs in those two links wouldn't be competitive in the AKC Dobe ring :/

    That's because both of those breeders are breeding for working ability, not for conformation. ;)

    Paige, that is one of the Gio pups that I mentioned in my earlier post.  VERY nice.  That said, I seriously doubt that Terri would let him go to a home with another male.  I could be wrong though.


    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog


    Paige, that is one of the Gio pups that I mentioned in my earlier post.  VERY nice.  That said, I seriously doubt that Terri would let him go to a home with another male.  I could be wrong though.

    D'oh!  I forgot we're looking for a red FEMALE. :D  And you have good taste, Amanda.

    • Gold Top Dog




     I also like Van Layne, but i'm not sure if Ziris has the titles you're after link

    Also had a friend who got a landgraf pup that i raelly like... link


     I think the working line Dobes are pretty cool - I would certainly go that direction if I were getting a Dobe. That said, the dogs in those two links wouldn't be competitive in the AKC Dobe ring :/

    That's because both of those breeders are breeding for working ability, not for conformation. ;)

    Paige, that is one of the Gio pups that I mentioned in my earlier post.  VERY nice.  That said, I seriously doubt that Terri would let him go to a home with another male.  I could be wrong though.




    Oops, sorry i didn't specify. Those were just some working breeders i liked. I could go on all day about show/ or even agility type breeders that i really like.

    • Gold Top Dog

     That dog is a LOT less refined than the AKC show Dobes. He'd stick out like a sore thumb. He's a beautiful baby, but not the type I'd take into an AKC ring.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oops, sorry i didn't specify. Those were just some working breeders i liked. I could go on all day about show/ or even agility type breeders that i really like.

    Unfortuantely if you are looking for a breed that you can ahve a dog who does well in both the conformation ring and in working, Dobes aren't the best option. Same with GSDs. Unless of course you would be happy with doing UKC and maybe even CanKC instead of AKC conformation.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I guess I am going to aks again, why belgians are not on the list.  THere are also black dogs and wire dogs who are doing titling in both realms (granted Laekens are still in Misc for AKC).  Belgians are likely one of the most owner handled finished dogs in the AKC.  SInce our overall numbers are low, there are few handlers to compete against compared to many other breeds.  I finished both of my dogs my self.  I started my first CH with a handler who was a friend and she put half the points and major on him.  I did the rest.  I finished Nora to her CH with four majors,  three from belgian breeders and the last one was back to back days for one insurance major.

     I find dobes and mals to be very similar with the exception I rarely must tell the mal more than once.... the dobes were not so obliging when they felt they knew better (or didnt want to comply).

    Above are links to two kennels currently producing dual dogs (there are others).  The reason I included Dantero specificially is Kadi started in Dobes.  Although she does not breed dobes any more, she would be a considerable resource if she had the time.

    If you wanted to consider a beauceron, there is always Debbie Skinner.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I agree on the Belgians. I took one of my Black Dogs to a Schutzhund club for awhile and he loved it (so did I, I just wish I had the time to pursue it). There aren't a lot of breeders who do SchH though, most who work their dogs do performance and/or herding. I do think that herding and schutzhund really do require much the same drive though.

    • Gold Top Dog

     yay for beauceron interest!  As someone else stated, Debbie Skinner is the first big time Show/working breeder that comes to mind (Ombres Valereux) sp.  Beauces are VERY slow to mature (physically and mentally) from everything ive expereienced and been told, and this is a big reason you dont see many in need a lot of patience! We have done some training in schutzhund with Tessa, but due to the closest schutzhund club being 2 hours away and on saturday nights, we just havent been super involved unfortunately.  She really enjoyed it though, and the trainer was impressed at how much drive  and confidence she had at a young age (she was under a year old i believe at the time) 

     Of course, if your wanting a Harlequin, i dont think Debbie ever deals with them, its much more difficult to find a harle, and then a show quality one (due to often having too much white on the chest)  They are pretty though.  

     And someone mentioned cost of finishing a CH on a beauceron vs a dobie...and i can say that would depend on where you are!  I cant imagine how much ive spent on Tessa already, and for only 1 point!  Why?  Because there are NO beaucerons showing around here!  Im in TX (houston area) and weve been all over TX, LA, and OK, and only one show in OK that even had another Beauceron!  Next year we're looking at possibly going to GA and CA, as thats they only way she'll ever finish!  So while you have not have the politics of the dobie ring, depending on where you are, you may spend just as much or more with travel expenses to get competition!  

    • Gold Top Dog

     Hey when did you get a GSD?!  :) (sorry off topic)

    • Gold Top Dog

     MRV, would Ivan Balabanov or Michael Ellis' Malis cut it in the show ring?