Giant Schnauzer's...what do you know about them?

    • Gold Top Dog


    I kind of wanted a watch dog....or a dog that would at least bark alert when someone was coming, because doG knows Apollo won't. I'd feel more secure living in a new, unfamiliar area, with a larger, barky dog.

    Have you ever considered life with a Dobe?  They would fit the bill.

    • Gold Top Dog

    PS:  There's always Puddin..  he is a sweetie.


    I vote for at least considering Puddin.  Maybe Sowilu could teach Puddin to bark in a ferocious manner and Apollo can be the visual deterrent. lol Most bad guys would take one look at Apollo and move on to another zip code! 


    • Gold Top Dog


    PS:  There's always Puddin..  he is a sweetie.

    I vote for at least considering Puddin.  Maybe Sowilu could teach Puddin to bark in a ferocious manner and Apollo can be the visual deterrent. lol



    Most bad guys would take one look at Apollo and move on to another zip code! 

    Yah.....maybe if he wasn't wiggling his tail all over the place! And....maybe if he didn't bring his favorites toys- a stuffed cow and a fleece kitten-  to the door!

    • Gold Top Dog



    I kind of wanted a watch dog....or a dog that would at least bark alert when someone was coming, because doG knows Apollo won't. I'd feel more secure living in a new, unfamiliar area, with a larger, barky dog.

    Have you ever considered life with a Dobe?  They would fit the bill.

    What are they like to live with, train, etc?

    • Gold Top Dog

    If I ever got a "guard" breed, there's a good chance that it would be a Giant Schnauzer. They seem like great all around dogs, I love the Schnauzer appearance and they don't shed. I think a solid black one with cropped ears makes a formidable dog that few people would want to mess with. Plus they're naturally watch dogs and protective. I know I would feel safer with one around. I also like that they're a breed you don't see a lot. I would personally get a female because they're a little smaller and I think they do better with dogs of the opposite sex. 

    The only Giant that I ever met was kind of a jerk, but he was an unneutered male. So this thread is interesting to me too and I hope people have more info on them!