Breeds you thought you'd never like

    • Gold Top Dog


    DH likes Bergamascos but I'm not having one in the house LOL


    Well I had never heard of those and found a great site

    Neat looking but I see where you are coming from Surprise


    Haha!  Apparently they are very hard to keep clean so they smell, it's not like you can just wipe them down.  Plus they are even rarer than Maremmas here.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    Apparently they are very hard to keep clean so they smell,

    Oh dear - one of the things I love about Bugsy is his super duper short wipe clean coat and no smell even when wet!  I must admit that wandering around that site looking at the detailed pics of the coat all I could think about in this area was ticks, ticks and more ticks!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Never thought I liked golden retrievers but there are a couple in our agility class that I've fallen in love with :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've never been attracted to toy breeds..Chis, Maltese, etc...until I rescued my Maltese Willie. I never realized how smart and sweet these dogs could be because so many of my neighbors have toy breeds and they all yap and nip and never seemed very friendly.   

    • Gold Top Dog

    I never thought I'd like poodles because all the ones I've met have been small and yappy with foofy haircuts.  Then we met a gorgeous brown standard named Henry Fudge (no foofy haircut for Henry F.) and he changed my mind completely about that breed.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I never thought I'd like a Pit....all the stuff on the news, but my boyfriends family in generel have white/red nose, one chocolate/red nose, and one black brindle/black nose....all males, all intact, all 3 get along fairly well, and are the coolest 50lbs of solid muscle youll ever meet!! They're really great dogs!

    Chihuahua's too, personaly, I prefer the BYB's ChiChi's to the show type....I like the bigger-leggier version. I don't like walking on my tip-toes just to make sure I don't step on a lil dogs foot.

    • Gold Top Dog

    all males, all intact, all 3 get along fairly well

    They live in the same house???

    • Gold Top Dog


    Chihuahua's too, personaly, I prefer the BYB's ChiChi's to the show type....I like the bigger-leggier version. I don't like walking on my tip-toes just to make sure I don't step on a lil dogs foot.

    (emphasis added by me) prefer dogs that come from a BYB???? Hmm

    • Gold Top Dog


    They live in the same house???


    No, not all the time....2 of them live right down the road from each other and are together quite a bit. The other lives in Greensville, but he comes to vist quite a lot too.

    • Gold Top Dog


    (emphasis added by me) prefer dogs that come from a BYB???? Hmm

    Not really, what I ment was, I don't like those super-tiny show Chihuahua's....I like the larger 'pet quality' ones that normally come from a BYB.