German Shepherd fanciers...

    • Gold Top Dog

    I rate them as the 3rd dog being my fav, 2nd dog being my second fav, and 3rd dog is!  What are we looking for, though?  A show dog or working dog (and what kind of work)?

    • Gold Top Dog


    I rate them as the 3rd dog being my fav, 2nd dog being my second fav, and 3rd dog is!  What are we looking for, though?  A show dog or working dog (and what kind of work)?


    These males are all west German show lines, not working lines at all.  We're looking for an SV/UKC show dog also for competitive obedience, rally, and agility.  Oh and possibly dock diving...I wanna see more GSDs dock diving!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Who is the third dog? And he is a looker. I also like him best of the 3.

    And I have come to the conclusion that I believe Kord is a sable..will post a picture as soon as I can get him to stand still!

    And dock dog? OMG, he would make a most excellent dock dog.....something to chase+ water=happy happy dog.


    • Gold Top Dog


    Who is the third dog? And he is a looker. I also like him best of the 3.

    And I have come to the conclusion that I believe Kord is a sable..will post a picture as soon as I can get him to stand still!

    And dock dog? OMG, he would make a most excellent dock dog.....something to chase+ water=happy happy dog.



    The third dog is Arex vom Herbremer Wald (I think that's how it's spelled).  His father is Timo, more well known, a sable show line.  Timo is the father of one of my favorite dogs, Margman Torsten (also a sable), but I think using Torsten as the stud is out of the question.  I like the Margman dogs (I think the kennel is in Estonia).  The breeder has seen Arex in person and was impressed by him before she knew who he was.  She was wanting to pair him with one of her bitches and had things each dog could improve on the other. can see he is definitely sable (big head pic -

    Timo, the sire


    I like Torsten and Timo better than Arex, but can't complain about Arex! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd definitely pick Arex!  Wink  I like Torsten in everything but the dewlap.  I just don't like dewlaps on!  I LOVE his color, though.  Have you chosen a dam yet?  (sorry if I missed that...was reading everything pretty quickly).



    • Gold Top Dog


    I'd definitely pick Arex!  Wink  I like Torsten in everything but the dewlap.  I just don't like dewlaps on!  I LOVE his color, though.  Have you chosen a dam yet?  (sorry if I missed that...was reading everything pretty quickly).




    Yes, the dam is definitely between two.  The males are what I'm waiting to here.  The males in this thread are males the breeder was looking into and she e-mailed them to me.  None of them were definite, and not even breeding the females was definite.  However now she has left for Germany yesterday and took the female (the one I like) with her.  The other female is already there.  She said she would send pics and let me know if/when they are bred b/c I asked to be on the waiting list.

    This is the female I like.  She is at the top of the standard for height.  Arex was who the breeder had picked for her b/c he is smaller.  She said Arex and his sire Timo did very well in the protection parts of the shows she saw.  I've seen videos of Arex' protection and beg to differ, but I'm not getting this dog for SchH, just for the same kinds of things I do now (obedience, herding, agility...).  Kira is quite fierce in SchH even though she is not from those lines.  I don't expect a puppy to be a serious SchH prospect, but good enough for what is required at the SV type shows (which is sad that they are not one in the same!!).

    V Quellie vom Kirschental
    SchH 1, KKL1, AD, BH, A-Stamp ED + HD

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree..Torsten has that "Bubba" head LOL. Arex is a nice nice dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ooo, I definitely like the female.  I like it when you can actually tell that the dog is a bitch (without "looking," of course).  I see so many masculine looking bitches!  And even if the pups aren't from serious protection lines, you could always compete at club levels and have fun with it.  I often wonder if the SV dogs' performance is more because of training, too.  Maybe they're just getting lazy with their dogs since they know they can win anyway...?  Obviously I also think a lot of it is genetics, too, but I've just always wondered.  It would be interesting to find out with your pup.  :)

    • Gold Top Dog


    Ooo, I definitely like the female.  I like it when you can actually tell that the dog is a bitch (without "looking," of course).  I see so many masculine looking bitches!  And even if the pups aren't from serious protection lines, you could always compete at club levels and have fun with it.  I often wonder if the SV dogs' performance is more because of training, too.  Maybe they're just getting lazy with their dogs since they know they can win anyway...?  Obviously I also think a lot of it is genetics, too, but I've just always wondered.  It would be interesting to find out with your pup.  :)


    I've been told both and this is what I was told by a reputable, experienced working line breeder and I is training to a degree, BUT a good working line dog is genetically far easier to train anyway.  They have been selectively bred with the drive, focus, and intensity that the breed should have.  I was really considering a working line dog but worried that the drive might be over the top for a novice.  All the working line breeders I spoke to told me that's not the case, that it would be way easier for me to get into SchH with a working line dog b/c the dog would be much easier to motivate and train.  Yes, training is a big part of it and it seems the SV people are lacking there, but at the same time those dogs have not been bred for their drives so many of them just plain don't have what it takes to really cut it.  Even for me as a novice I see very clear differences in the way Kira works and the male Arex.  When he does the bark and just doesn't seem as serious.  He will turn and look to the handler for direction and encouragement.  Now, Kira....simply show her the sleeve and she is ON FIRE, that dog puts the fear of God into me, and she is not even from working/SchH lines.  So for such a pup I have zero expectations as far as SchH, even with Kira's courage and drive.  We will be in the club and do it but I do not expect anything impressive at all.  Each line is being bred for different traits so I just had to pick which was more appropriate for me at this time.  We are planning a big move early 2009 so I've decided to wait and establish myself with a local SchH club wherever we move to before getting a working dog.  Now that I have been competing with Kenya, I'm confident doing the same types of things with another dog and also I know other friends of this breeder who are helping me get hooked up with new trainers and clubs, but none of us have any real experience with SchH.


    ETA.  Here is the info I got from the working line person...

    [is it true that a working line puppy will most likely be easier to train in Schutzhund, b/c of its genetics? ]In short, yes. A working line dog is going to be much easier to train in SchH. The natural drives and ability is there, so it's just bringing them out and molding them. Also, because they naturally have more drive and hardness, they are also more resilient to training mistakes, overrcorrections, poorly timed corrections, needing to change up something in training because you taught it slightly wrong. These things make them not only better for SchH in general, but especially for novices who are going to be more prone to making mistakes just because they don't know any better.

    Yes, there are showlines that work in terms of they actually earned their titles. And the Krischental lines are some of the best in that respect. But even those tend to require a lot more patience, drive building, finesse in training... all of which means it takes more time and effort to get to the same place you could get quicker and easier with a dog who brought more to the table naturally. With a good dog, the learning curve for the handler is much steeper than that of the dog. If you've got a handler AND a dog both with steep learning curves, it gets a lot harder to be successful.


    If you want to have a dog that can work in SchH without a lot of "special ed" training, than get a working line dog. You certainly don't want, and probably aren't prepared for, the top working prospect in a working litter. But a more moderate, middle of the road working line pup would be perfect. These are great dogs for novices. Plenty of dog to get them where they want to go without an unusual amount of effort, but not so much dog that it's going to become too difficult for them to handle. In the long run you'll have a much more successful, and less frustrating time, training in SchH.


    German show line could definitely do the rally, agility, UKC ob, BH. If the dog can't do SchH, 99.9% of the time it's the protection phase they're not cut out for, in which case you could still train with a club and gain experience and do the OB and TR titles separately through the SchH organizations. So plenty of things to do.

    This is the same sort of response I've gotten from other working line breeders and German show line people (who admit protection work isn't really a priority). 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I think the first male is a bit over done - too heavy heavy boned, too heavy headed. He also has a very poor topline, some roachyness is expected but he is extreme. The other too dogs are IMO much nicer with much more moderate bone and better toplines. I'd be concerned the first dog would be too "clunky" to be much good in something like agility.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I personally don't care for the bitch.  I find her to be wispy with a poor topline and steep croup.

    I've always liked Timo, but hate the way they stacked him.  They never stack him so he looks good x.x

    First male I actually love the head, but his neck is problematic.  He also has too little bone for all that body.

    Second male I want to take home x.x  Same goes for the third.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I personally don't care for the bitch.  I find her to be wispy with a poor topline and steep croup.

    I've always liked Timo, but hate the way they stacked him.  They never stack him so he looks good x.x

    First male I actually love the head, but his neck is problematic.  He also has too little bone for all that body.

    Second male I want to take home x.x  Same goes for the third.


    I'm not a huge fan of her conformation either, but I like her as a dog.  I mean, I've met her, and I like the temperament and how she works and trains, if that makes sense.  When I saw her picture I didn't really care either way but seeing her in person changes that.  There is another bitch that might be better conformation wise, but I don't have a decent pic of her and have not met her b/c she is being trained in Europe.  I hope to get more pics soon... I tried to find more pics of Victor but couldn't.  I just hate to pick/judge dogs based on one picture, especially when the angle is a bit off.  I couldn't find a video of him either, unfortunately.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know what you mean about seeing her.  There is a bitch from my club that I LOVE to watch work, but omg to see her move...she's HIDEOUS!!! 

    • Gold Top Dog


    I know what you mean about seeing her.  There is a bitch from my club that I LOVE to watch work, but omg to see her move...she's HIDEOUS!!! 


    haha!  I'm hoping the other bitch comes home so I can look at her, I don't know if she is being bred this time or not though.  My favorite one is this one, but she had her last litter, so I missed my chance there.


    • Gold Top Dog

    OK the breeding was done, but it was NONE of the previous studs.  I am still waiting on details (breeder has to go to her home town for a personal emergency), all I know is he is a Quenn son (which narrows it down to like 200!).  The other bitch will be bred next month, still in Germany I presume.