What do you love about your breed's appearance?

    • Gold Top Dog

    i say, what's not to love about a dogue de bordeaux & presa canario....

    the dogue:

    their colour & feel of their coat, their many facial expressions, the wrinkles & underbite.



    the presa: 

    i think they're a very stong & noble looking breed.  i love their athletic build & size. their eyes;the colour & their gaze. 






    • Silver

    With Rotties, I love that look of intelligence, strength, desire to please,  and of a protector.  To me I love the black coloring with those deep rust markings in all of the right spots.  I also love that deep and alert expression in a Rotties eyes.  

    I love the strong body of a Rottie.  They have such a beautiful outline, one that denotes confidence, drive and athleticism.  Sturdy strong legs, deep shoulders and such a powerful neck; all finished off with such a stunning head set... aaah.. I love Rotties from head to toe! Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, I love a lot of things about her appearance the chow is so beautiful.  My favorites are her pointy ears and they move all around depending on her mood.  And, she's also able to move just one at a time.  So, one will tilt to zoom on a sound and the other stays straight. 

    I love her beautiful coat and putting face in it is something I do all the time.

    Her little eyes are shaped like little triangles like a Jack O Lantern's and it's more obvious when she squints. 

    I love the little smile that she's always doing--her mouth is always open. 

    The blue tongue, the one really thick gray whisker she's had for ages, I could go on and on. .

    Here are some pictues--

    • Gold Top Dog
    I love the forever puppy faces....
    • Gold Top Dog

     As puppies, I don't think there is anything cuter than this, they're like polar bear cubs: 

    But for me, the attraction is in the fully-grown dog.  The regal appearance and carriage, the quiet sense of strength and power that they emanate.  And maremmas smile...not just with their mouths but with their eyes too....and a maremma is a dog that gets the joke.  They have wonderful senses of humour and display that with their body language.  

    I also love the differences between the males and females of the breed...males look masculine, females look feminine, in most cases.  The size and appearance disparity between the two almost reminds me of lions.....indeed, I have heard correct maremma movement referred to as "lionlike" on several occasions. 

    ETA:  For the edification of those who don't know me, the above are not my dogs.  I do not, yet, own a maremma, but they are without a doubt my "heart breed" and plans are in the works for a white fluffball to enter the picture here. :) 

    • Gold Top Dog

    When it comes to my Callie....what I love most about her appearance is her coat and markings. She has such long silky soft fur that you just have to bury your face in it...lol. Her top coat is white with black ticking all over and all along her back the fur is actually silver...it literally glistens in the sun like jewelry. Her undercoat on her back is completely sable colored...but on her sides and rear the undercoat is white. Her face is tri- color. She's so pretty.

    My BC...I absolutely love his face. He has the most animated facial expressions and when you speak to him, he tilts his head and perks his ears up and smiles!   He has a way of making you feel as if he really understands every word you are saying. I also love how strong and solid he is.