New dog.... breed guessing game anyone?

    • Gold Top Dog


    I had kind of thought beagle, too, because of the nose, but then you said something about the "blue" sibling and parent, so that got me thinking of something different.  Maybe pit bull?  That doesn't really seem right, either, though.  I don't have a clue, especially with just the head-shot there. 
    • Gold Top Dog

    Ridgeback?  Do they come in blue?  The nose does kind of say ridgeback to me. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    That nose looks like a Pointer's nose to me.  So, my guess is Lab/Pointer 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Shot in the dark here but Lab/Aussie? Lab/ Border Collie
    • Gold Top Dog



    I had kind of thought beagle, too, because of the nose, but then you said something about the "blue" sibling and parent, so that got me thinking of something different.  Maybe pit bull?  That doesn't really seem right, either, though.  I don't have a clue, especially with just the head-shot there. 


    Well, Beagles can be any "true hound color".  I wonder if dapple (like some Dachshunds) is conisdered a hound color?  Plus, maybe the Lab parent carries the black color gene, and, mixed with the color gene of the mother, that black got kind of diluted in the "blue" pup?

    Pointer/Lab mix had gone through my head, too, but the size isn't right. 


    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, she said the other parent was blue like the sibling.  I've never seen a "blue" beagle, but who knows.  ;) 

     I'd also thought pointer because of the nose, but then saw the weight, like you, and decided that probably wasn't in the mix.

    I'm so curious!

    • Gold Top Dog

    i need a better picture lol bigger and more body or something Big Smile


    ok after reading her bio i'm gonna say............ ACD or Aussie Shep.. i would have said beagle until you mentioned blue... she looks too fuzzy and petite to have pit in her.. at least PURE pit..

    the blue could be .. ticking? like in a blue tick hound, or ACD.. but she doesnt look houndish really... again... too fuzzy..


    • Gold Top Dog


    ok after reading her bio i'm gonna say............ ACD or Aussie Shep.. i would have said beagle until you mentioned blue... she looks too fuzzy and petite to have pit in her.. at least PURE pit..

    the blue could be .. ticking? like in a blue tick hound, or ACD.. but she doesnt look houndish really... again... too fuzzy..


    Ding, ding, ding!!!!! We have a winner!!!!!!!!

    Sorry the pic isn't so good. I can't get the others to download for some reason.