Pomeranian Uglies

    • Gold Top Dog

    your aisha is great !:-) she's really pretty and i love how her color pattern is!

    i think halo dreamcoat has omega 3 fatty acids like salmon oil, the dogs here love this with their dog food  :-) you may check the net coz im not really sure, you may want to ask your vet what would be great/what he recommends for aisha.

    i hear orijen is great, erhm havent tried it yet because im thinking of switching to homecooked meals:) 

    hoping the best for aisha!Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Is it just me... ? Because I find "puppy uglies" to not be so ugly at all :o) I LOVE THE FUZZZZZZZZZZ hehe

    I am beyond excited for my new little puppy now... it's all planned out and now I just wait...!!

    Aisha had that beautiful traditional Parti-Color coat. This combo has won awards over here in the states.

    The question I have for you guys tho is... Kayla, Pippin, Aisha, and even some of your dog's ketchup have "pointed" tipped ears. I always thought this was a foul in breeding & showing? I believe my next dog will have the round ears... (according to breeder & photos).

    My boyfriend likes the pointed ears like Kayla (the "Spitz" look) but I told him it's not how a traditional Pom is bred. There is so much varience in our breed it makes my head spin... haha.

    I need clarification...

    • Gold Top Dog

     Traditional is probably not the best word to use- between the relative youth of the breed and the imprecision of the word itself.... The ears are described in the breed standard as 'small' and 'carried erect'. A *lot* of fthe round appearance is created by grooming, IME- have you got a copy of "The New Complete Pomeranian"? In that book, it describes how to cover the earleather with your thumb and trim just the tip. Try that on Kayla and you'll see what I mean. The hair is what really gives the ear the pointy look. I can make Lizzie's ears look Pommish (hers are, as the breed standard calls for, moderaet in size, not small) by slicking down the hair on the tips and neatening the scragglies on the sides of her ears, along with fluffing up the hair on her backskull.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Honestly I was super unsure about Aisha's coloring, it took me a month to figure out that in combination to her personality, that was the way I wanted her to look. I love it now, she's my moo cow lol. But I have to admit, I haven't seen another Pomeranian with her coloring in my area. The breeder mentioned that as well, and requested updated pictures of Aisha throughout her life.

    Hmm, I have never heard of their ears having to be rounded. I have always read that they should be small, carried erect, not to far apart (I've seen pictures of show dogs with small, pointy ears)  and not to low. I haven't seen anything on rounded ears or pointed ears I suppose. I'm interested to see what everyone has to say on this Smile

    Personally, I don't really like the standard Pomeranian look. Aisha is more to the standard than my last Pomeranian, but she was sold as "pet stock" because she doesn't meet the standard, which is what I wanted. I think some show Pomeranian's look a little weird, not all, but quite a bit. I don't know, I have always loved the look of a foxy kind of Pomeranian with long, fluffy, fur. I think that's why  I never looked into buy a show Pomeranian and went with a puppy who had some draw backs.

    And I agree there are so many different looking Pomeranian's out there is makes my head spin. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    the rounded ears look is just grooming :) actually we had some judges reprimand our handler that why did they cut the ears that way.. i don't really cut my dog's coat my breeder friends "male maid" do them.. there's a video from chris heartz of chriscendo on how to groom its really great! it also comes with a booklet.

    there's really some difference in the pomeranian's appearance, one looks like a bear and one looks like a fox :) both appearances has come a long way (the show scene here) it really how one interprets the standard. they say (here) the us lones looks more like a bear while the uk lines looks like a fox. :-) cause there a 2 very famous breeders here chrisden ( more on us line) and canton(more on uk line) they really have different looking dogs but both equally beautiful (for me) while I prefer to get my foundation from the us lines with kennels like chriscendo, sunterra, windmist, finch, damascus, razzle dazzle and many more i failed to mention.Smile

    for me beauty is in the eye of the beholder.:) 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Ketchup- just wanted to let you know I went ahead and ordered the Dream coat! I went online and I swear I read hundreds of reviews on it, and the only bad thing people said was they wish it had a pump, and that it can get messy pouring. Otherwise it was all good. I hope you don't mind if I ask you a few questions about it.
    How long have you been using Dream Coat? How long did it take for you to see a noticeable change in your dogs coats?

    It supposed to be here in hopefully 10 business days, I can't wait to see what Aisha thinks of it. Also do I have to supplement her with vitamin E while she uses this too, or should the dream coat just be enough? Thanks!Smile


    • Gold Top Dog

     been using it for about a month and results are great. :-) the dogs love the taste (except for mickey who really hates oil based products). the dogs have greater coat as ive noticed :) our lone chihuahua has shinier coat.

    i think in about a week you see some results.:-) the chow advocates here swear that they love this product!Smile  i hope aisha will love it!!


    • Gold Top Dog

     i give vitamin supplements for my dogs too while in dreamcoat:) 

    • Puppy

    I am a pomeranian show person and all poms go through the uglies,it does not mean they are ugly it means they shed their baby coat between 3 and 5 months.My little boy is 6 months old and has shed his coat and now is adult coat is coming through.

    All dogs start at different times so if you see little lumps of fur coming out brush the dog regular to get the baby coat out to allow the adult coat through.Make sure you always use good brushes and a soft slicker .