Let's Talk Shepherds for a moment

    • Bronze

    Yeah, my second dog was supposed to be Doberman, but DH wouldn't have it. Who knows why? (He's not much of a dog person.) Because he said he didn't want a second GSD, I went through breed after breed with him, and finally he had to admit the ONLY dog he wanted was a second GSD....

    • Puppy

    Your boy is very beautiful!

    • Gold Top Dog
    WHY did I read this thread???  WHHYYY???!!!!!  I've never wanted a GSD before and now you flaunt your gorgeous dogs before me.... and now I'm getting puppy-clucky and it's ALL YOUR FAULT!!!! Smile  Anyone would be jealous, they are beautiful!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Did someone say "puppy"?



    • Bronze

    Well Chuffy..... you simply must join the GSD crowd! it is the best around!!!


    Xeph your post on the American line GSD and HD was excellent. When I had Kayos' hips xrayed and found she was dysplastic I asked the ortho vet that very question as I had many tell me it was because she was American and they are very angulated.  Vet said no, the rear angulation has nothign to do with the formation of the hip socket or head of the femur. And if it was because they were GSD's that would not explain the higher incidence of HD in goldens and labs which have no angulation.

    Good to run into you over here.