What are the popular breeds in your area?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Hmm, here, we have Pits ( of course), Lots of hunting dogs, labs, beagles, bassets...etc. Quite a bit  of chihuahuas, and daschhunds,  we had one person with a schipperke, and  a few people with pomeranians. We have an old woman who lives across town who use to breed poms and she has like 5 poms. so cute! also, after i got ange, people every where started buying huskies when before it was only myself, my friend Kody, and another friend(who had a Malamute not a sibe..) had sled dogs. Ive seen a few white Spitz breeds around too. and lots and lots of mixed breeds.
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    in my particular neighborhood its goldens galore, a few labs, yorkies, very yappy schnauzers  a few other pure breeds
    People I know have dachsunds, danes, border collies.  Where we walk lots of small dogs
    The SPCA shelter always seems to have pit X's, gsd X's, boxer x's, bc x's and lots of hound x's but they do get a wide range of x's with some purebreeds thrown in.
    One thing that is very neat is the amount of rescued dogs we have met, breed rescue and mutts from various sources.
    • Gold Top Dog
    janet-is there a size restriction in your city??
    • Gold Top Dog
    Labs, goldens, and GSDs are a given.. lots of chis, bostons, and border collies as well.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: RidgebackGermansShep

    janet-is there a size restriction in your city??

    yeah. any dog that's over 35 cm shoulder height is illegal. for that matter it's also illegal two have more than one dog. of course i didnt know that when i first got them. it sucks cause it means i don't dare leaving my apartment complex with them unless it's to go to the vet.
    oh well, i figure, a few more years and my sister moves out. then she can take one of them [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    illegal? That's bogus!!! I'm gonna fly you out to kentucky...you can have anything you want here!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Chihuahuas, yorkies, Jack Russells
    Labs, pits
    • Gold Top Dog
    Where I livve which is the high desert area of southern cali the most popular breeds are toy breeds especially yorkies also designer mixes and for big dogs labs and pits are quite popular.
    • Silver
    Dear RidgebackGermansShep,

    WOW nice!! you dot it!! it's central asian ovtcharka, you are correct... nice, you are much better than I thought!!

    Respect [;)]