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    • Gold Top Dog
    I know someone who went to Zimbabwe as a missionary and he said lots of people kept hyenas, lions, leopards, and cheetahs as "guard animals" for their mansions. He also said it was fairly common to read an article in the newspaper about some rich guy getting eaten by his pet lion. [&:]
    • Gold Top Dog
    TallWhite, have you ever observed hyenas in the wild?  I have.  They are not pets, period.  I've also observed several Cheetahs, and IMO a Cheetah makes a FAR better pet than even some already domesticated dogs.
    • Silver
    People......people........people.......my little step-brother likes to hop on my PC and post nonsense!
    I'd give him severe, prolonged beating but we have laws against that sorta thing here in Canada, so thats out of the question.

    I'm open to any other sort of punishment, so lets hear it

    I'm all ears

    P.S.  You really think I'm gonna get a Hyena...LOL
    • Gold Top Dog
    • Silver
    This is one crazy thread. I think a Hyena would only make a good 'pet' if you were a native Nigerian, lived there, have something for the animal to gaurd, have physical strength to keep animal under control, have money to pey for the large amout of food she will eat, and have the right equipment to care for a 100+ lb Hyena.

    Honesty if you want to admire their beauty just go to your local Zoo and watch the Hyena's there.

    In my opinion they would not make good pets the same as a Zebra would not make a good childrens pony or a lion would not make a good house cat.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thank you Ed...the moderator for this section requested no further posts.....hopefully we can all move on.