Giant Schnauzers

    • Puppy
    This is a typical Giant.  "You took away my grooming table; now what am I going to sleep on?!"  His name is Bob.

    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Xeph

    Do any of you guys have any information on Giants?

    They're a breed I've been looking into more seriously (along with Briards), and I would like to try and find a breeder.  I'd like to exhibit in both conformation and schutzhund, however I don't want to import, as I would like a dog with cropped ears and a docked tail.

    Xephy, I can put you into contact with a breeder of Giants.  PM me and I'll find out all the info and get it to you.  She's in FL, but her line is pretty gosh darned good with regards to conformation.  I don't know if she has any working dogs in her lines though. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Here's my in-laws' giant schnauzer, Samson.
    He's Ella's boyfriend.

    Here he is and he REALLY looks like he's getting ready to flash us the doggy finger.

    He opened this door on his own. He's very smart.

    Here is doing his most favorite thing: Loving on Ella.

    Yeah, I would say if Samson tells us anything about how Giants are, then yes, they really aren't the most human pleasing dogs, they're more the "I'm your buddy" type dog.

    Beautiful, though.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Because this is America, and while you can now show a natural earred (EARRED not TAILED) Giant, there's no way you will win.

    So you want to mutilate a dog to win a contest?  Step back and think about what you are saying.  That is not responsible or caring dog ownership in my opinion.  I know this type of cruelty is still legal in the United States and you are free to do it.  I would strongly encourage you not to do this.  Maybe there is another breed that you could show? Or maybe show this dog in it's natural state?  The more people who do that the sooner the AKC will stop supporting the mutilation of animals for cosmetic purposes.  Which would you prefer helping to prevent a needless and painful process or getting a ribbon?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Where to even START with this drivel?
    So you want to mutilate a dog to win a contest?

    It is your opinion that it is mutilation.  I disagree.  And yes, in order to win this "contest", this very IMPORTANT contest in order to test breeding stock, the dogs must be docked/cropped.
    Step back and think about what you are saying.

    That is not responsible or caring dog ownership in my opinion.

    Yes, your opinion.
    I know this type of cruelty is still legal in the United States and you are free to do it.

    Cruelty is again your opinion, not fact.
    I would strongly encourage you not to do this.

    If I want my dog cropped, I will go to a reputable vet and have the dog cropped (if it has not already been done).
    Maybe there is another breed that you could show?

    The majority of the breeds I'm interested in other than the Giant are either docked or cropped, if not both.
    Or maybe show this dog in it's natural state?

    #1 I don't like that look, #2 it would take more time and money than I have to finish such a dog.  If I wanted a Black Russian Terrier, I'd get a Black Russian Terrier, and even they are docked.
    Which would you prefer helping to prevent a needless and painful process or getting a ribbon?

    I don't see it as needless at all, especially when I want to actually WORK the dog.
    I'd prefer it if you'd peddle your anti-dock/crop propaganda somewhere other than my info thread.