Giant Schnauzers

    • Gold Top Dog

    Giant Schnauzers

    Do any of you guys have any information on Giants?
    They're a breed I've been looking into more seriously (along with Briards), and I would like to try and find a breeder.  I'd like to exhibit in both conformation and schutzhund, however I don't want to import, as I would like a dog with cropped ears and a docked tail.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Can I ask why the dog must be cropped and docked? I guess I just don't get why people still feel compelled to (warning, this is my opinion) mutilate dogs just for looks. Yes I have an Aussie who has a docked tail, but I still would have gotten her had she had a full tail. The docking doesn't bother me as much as the cropping though, maybe because the ears are done when the puppy is older. I don't know, but I just don't like it personally.
    Anyway, as far as finding a breeder I can't help you. But depending on the age you get the puppy at, it's ears probably won't be done so you'll have to get them done. From your post it sounds like you're expecting to get one with it's ears already done, that's the only reason I said that. I know some Doberman breeders do the ears before the puppies go to their new homes, but not all do.
    Sorry if I upset you, I'm not trying to start an argument.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Because this is America, and while you can now show a natural earred (EARRED not TAILED) Giant, there's no way you will win.  And, as an American, I want a dog that looks like a Giant Schnauzer...not a funky Black Russian Terrier.

    I don't want to get in the crop/dock debate, I just want to find a breeder.  The GSCA isn't very helpful, as they have a couple of breeders listed, and none of returned my inquiries.
    But depending on the age you get the puppy at, it's ears probably won't be done so you'll have to get them done.

    On the couple of websites I DID see, if you want your puppy cropped, you simply have to tell the breeder beforehand, and they will send the dog to the vet of their choice for the cropping.  Other breeders are like Dobe breeders, an do it right away.  It's not as hard as you would think.
    • Gold Top Dog
    What about Bouvier des Flanders?

    The Working Bouv Association National Finals is held in this state every year, and a couple years ago they had their herding competition at my place. That was a lot of fun.

    I saw both natural and cropped Bouvs. To me it seemed like temperaments were way, way more important than cosmetics in this breed. Foul tempered or uncontrollable Bouviers are terrifying - and I'm not easily scared by dogs.

    The Working Bouvier people host an FCI conformation event at their Finals (and others, too, I think), and also French Ring. I was impressed at the fact that the FCI conformation judges were even AT the herding trial, and spoke knowlegeably about their expectations of what made a dog a good worker and how that would show, or not necessarily show, in the breed ring.

    French Ring is the Bomb, by the way. Wow. Awesome.

    There was one dog there that was a Triple Champion - Conformation, Obedience, and AKC herding. He was there to finish his AHBA, um, a really high title and I've forgotten what it was. He also did French Ring and don't ask me what titles or certs he had there because I'm clueless. Unbelievable dog, completely natural, and yes, he did look like a funky terrier, but obviously was typey enough to finish his Ch - and go on to more impressive pursuits!

    A young Bouv bitch, already a champion also. Really, really sweet - please note the purple painted toe nails. [:D] She was HIT that day:

    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Xeph

    Because this is America, and while you can now show a natural earred (EARRED not TAILED) Giant, there's no way you will win.  And, as an American, I want a dog that looks like a Giant Schnauzer...not a funky Black Russian Terrier.

    a couple of breeders listed, and none of returned my inquiries.

    But depending on the age you get the puppy at, it's ears probably won't be done so you'll have to get them done.

    On the couple of websites I DID see, if you want your puppy cropped, you simply have to tell the breeder beforehand, and they will send the dog to the vet of their choice for the cropping.  Other breeders are like Dobe breeders, an do it right away.  It's not as hard as you would think.

    I never said you couldn't get a dog with a docked tail and cropped ears, I did say it was my opinion and I was just asking why it must be cropped and docked. That's your choice and I was just asking.
    As for the ears, yes you can do that, but I was saying some breeders don't and leave it up to the owner. A lot of Dobe breeders don't do it right away is what I was saying. I never said it was hard.
    • Gold Top Dog
    The Bouvier isn't right for me.  I like hair, but if I'm going to have a lot of it, I want it to be long and flowing, like the Briard, the Afghan Hound, or the Bearded Collie.  I don't want a poofie coarse coat.
    I also like the ability to actually see my dog's face! LOL
    The BdF's personality and build just don't appeal to me the way a Giant's does.
    A lot of Dobe breeders don't do it right away is what I was saying.

    What's "Right away"?  All the dobe breeders I know have their pups ears cropped straight away.
    And yeah Becca, French Ring is the shiz xD!
    • Gold Top Dog
    We had one here for a bit while we waited for the rescue to come get him.not cropped/docked.We didnt even know what he was until we shaved off all the nasty matted hair! VERY hyper! Definitely a one owner dog,They pick their owner!Highly trainable.I talked to one guy at the rescue that had fallen off a cliff.His dropped her leash down to him and pulled him up saving his life! They dont always get along with other dogs,especially the same sex and the females almost never get along with other females.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Giants tend to be a bit more hard headed than herding breeds more likely to take the "maybe later" or "na, my way is better" approach than most of the herding breeds.  There can be great ones out there, even considered them myself.  Decided I didnt want a dog as likely to give me the "finger" as a giant can be (and that is said lovingly; just not the temperment I wanted).

    They have recently added Beauceron's to the Misc class in AKC.  I do not know how close they are to the official group designation, but that may be a breed you wish to consider.  They are bigger and "slower" than malinois with respect to turning etc.but are described as having some similar working styles to Malinois.  Check out Debbie Skinner's website and information.  She has been very open to sharing information in the past, I am sure if she is not buried in work she would continue to do so.  She is in CA.  She breeds mals to compete in protection and AKC type venues, I am sure she is doing the same with her beucerons.
    I like Kathy Allens Briards.  She is in Northern OH.  You can find contact information on the AHBA website on the judges list.  I have known Kathy and her dogs for a couple of years now.  Nice dual purpose dogs.  Her breeding stock have CH and herding titles.
    • Gold Top Dog
    From what I know, they're very dominant dogs and not all that into pleasing their owners like GSDs. It's more like they're giant feisty terriers. [;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Yes, I have kept in mind that they're very different from GSDs and have a hard headed stubborn attitude.  That's part of the reason I'm interested in them.
    All the Giants I've met are aloof and while they enjoy time with their owners, they don't seem as clingy.  I LOVE my GSDs, and I'm sure I'll never be without one again.  But OMG sometimes I just want a dog I can love and do some work with...that isn't with me EVERY SINGLE SECOND!  Even as I speak Strauss is RIGHT next to me, with me in his sight and he in mine!
    SPACE!  I need SPACE! Lol!
    Aside from that, they're a reasonably "Flashy" breed without getting absolutely ridiculous with grooming.  Yes I realize the requirements of stripping and show preparation...I watch the Giant handlers every time I go to a show...still nowhere near as bad as a Poodle, OES, or Bouvier!
    And I need hair.  I like the Beau as a herding dog, but it's just so...smooth. MORE HAIR!  Neeeeed more hair!  Temperament and health in any breed I end up with is first and foremost with me, but I have to like the way something looks.  If I can't look at it, I can't live with it.
    Even though the Beau doesn't have enough "poof" for my liking, it can't hurt to explore it a bit more I do suppose :-)  But notice how all the breeds I choose have hair in some capacity (including the Chinese Crested, because I prefer the Powderpuff to the hairless xD).  ...I likes hair.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Beaucerons will be added to the AKC herding group in July.  ;)  Just to let you know if you did decide to research them more.
    • Puppy
    Let me know if there are any questions I can help you with concerning Giant Schnauzers.
    • Puppy

    I forgot to ask if you wanted working, show, or casual pictures. 

    I know you're busy with school, so just give me a yell when you get a break.
    • Puppy

    I'll try to post a couple of pictures.

    The first one is Pooh-B.  He was a National Champion at 6 months, UKC Champion (then later a Grand Ch.) at 10 months, and an AKC Champion at 13 months.  This was taken when he finished his AKC Ch.

    • Puppy
    This is Pearl.  She is my main stockdog at home.  She actively herds in AHBA & AKC trials.