Favorite big huggable family dogs

    • Gold Top Dog

    I really like shelties as a family dog.  I grew up with them most of my life, though, so I may be a bit biased.  They're a lot more laid back than the papillons are and more sturdy.  They do bark a lot and do shed a lot.  I tend to favor herders as well...
    Our mutt was also really a great family dog.  He loved kids and was just a big goof. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    I've never met a Leo I didn't like. There's totally one in our future. My boys are big enough now not to be squished by a big puppy and I'd like a big dog that was more interested in me than the sheep. They are supposed to be exceptionally good with kids.
    • Silver
    well when i was younger, about 5 years old we had a ST Bernard that used to let me ride him like a horse, i was so small he had no problem holding me, let me tell they are STRONG dogs, my dad could barley hold him back from tackling me if i had a treat in my hand lol

    .....i miss him :(
    • Gold Top Dog
    [Deleted by Admins]
    • Silver
    Labs are my huggable family dog of choice!! You can't beat them for personality, lovablity, and character!!

    Never heard of those Leonbergers but they kind of look like Chewbacca! *heh* That would be a good name for one!
    • Bronze
    I am definitely in the hound camp, because if you can provide a safe and secure area for them to play in, they are extremely good at amusing themselves.  They will push soccer balls around with their noses, chase tennis balls and frisbees, and generally burn alot of energy without you necessarily having to get off the adirondack lawn chair....However, they also make great companions on long hikes, and are quite social, so rarely do you have problems with aggression when you do take them out in public.  The larger the hound, usually the mellower the temperment.  The Beagles and Dachshunds are just such bundles of energy and activity-but then they were bred as varmint hounds-little fast moving varmints...And when it comes to smaller hounds, they always seem to retain a real sense of puppyhood.   Even at over 16, my beagle could be a total goof-trying to chase his tail (which looked even more ridiculous at that age than it did when he was younger)  and if you are strictly interested in pet, well a hound mix w/lab from a shelter might fill the bill nicely.  Another great thing about hounds-except of the pin up Betty Grable of the hound world, the Afghan-they all have pretty simple and basic coat maintenance requirements-grooming is usually quite painless for all concerned.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have had alot of different breeds thru my life from teacup poodles to a 165 lb. Dane....my 1st choice for a loving, cuddley, intelligent family dog is the standard poodle. They are as close to being a human as a canine can possibly be.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I would absolutely die for a Newfoundland. A lab or golden would be great for rowdy older kids, but might not be so good for little ones.
    Of course, I'm biased, but what about a Great Pyrenees. They're bred to keep an eye on & be gentle with their "flock." Calm & slow moving enough not to knock down unsteady toddlers. Big enough that the kids aren't going to hurt him accidentally. From all I've seen & heard, they're excellent when raised with children. My fiance was raised with them (or by them, you could say) & we'll probably never be without one in the future.