Is my dog a Pitbull/Welsh Corgi mix? (pics)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Many (but not all) dogs that are Chow mixes seem to get either a fully or mostly full dark tongue, rather than full spots. (i.e patches of blue/purple rather than a couple of spots)

    • Bronze


    Many (but not all) dogs that are Chow mixes seem to get either a fully or mostly full dark tongue, rather than full spots. (i.e patches of blue/purple rather than a couple of spots)

    True. I was just saying that they are not the only breed or mix in a breed that can produce the spots or patchesSmile

    • Gold Top Dog


    Oh, no, I figured it out! She's one of those darn dorable dogs again. They usually leave you pretty stumped, til it hits you. [;)]
    She is super cute.

    I agree.  She's either a Dorable or a North American Tan Dawg.  I have a similar breed.  He's a North American Black & Tan Dawg.  Big Smile

    • Puppy

    we have an American Staffordshire Terrier / Bull Mastiff mix, he is 5 months old and looks just like your lil' girl did when she was just a babe, same color and everything!!


    this is him at 10 weeks old

    • Puppy

    Hi my name is Judith....and i had a dog that looks exactly like her mine was a male.... I know for a fact that she is pit bull/german shepard...mine was liker her ...thats why i googled it and i found this pictures and she is the same ...equal everything....and mine was pit and german...she is so pretty... i miss my his name was INDIO....mine would also put an ear down like pit and the other ear would stay up...also was very smart.....   thanks for reading this..

    • Gold Top Dog

     FWIW, this thread started in 2007.