Doberman Owners

    • Gold Top Dog
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Prince_Pride
    I will post pics of my brats when I get home. Not sure if I posted the story about Macy and how we aquired her (twice) or not. If anyone wants to hear it, please let me know!

    How did you end up with Macy?  I want to know.
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    Yep, that's a fawn, alright!
    "Warlock" in Dobes gets overused a lot, even interchangeably with "king Dobermans".  Some use that to describe giant Dobes - very rarely will you truly find any of them related back to the original "Borong the Warlock" from the 1950's.  Dobes were never intended to be more than medium build and the overbred/oversized Dobes are all the issues mentioned by Diane/"Prince Pride".  Dobes have a short enough lifespan as it is... so heartless to cut it in half (or worse) simply because someone thought "bigger is better"...
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    how we aquired her (twice) or not.

    I remember the "first" time, but I must have missed the second... (I was taking a break from idog)... so, I want to know, too!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Here is Macy's story....

    It was a slow day of work on a Friday...July 28, 2006 to be exact. I was of course, searching Petfinder looking for dobes in kill shelters to email to Second Chance so they could pull them and get them into rescue. I came accross Macy. Here is her profile:

    "Macey Mae, Dog

    Notes: I was very reluctantly brought in by my owner to find a new home. I'm 2 years old, housebroken and good with children. My owner had me SPAYED and I'm current with shots. I don't particularly like boy children, however. My adoption fee would be $10 because I'm sterilized! I am very calm and sweet, and sad because I'm sitting in this cage."

    I emailed her to DH letting him know I sent her to the rescue group and hopefully someone can pull her. He said he wanted to take her. I couldn't believe it. I had been bugging him for a sister for Prince for awhile. He called his parents and they pulled her for us. We drove up right after work with Prince to get her. She is shy and skittish and Prince totally freaks her out. But I guess that is expected with everything she went through (as I found out later). Along with the dog, the shelter had paper work of previous vet care from the previous owner who supposably dropped her off.

    Like an idiot, I called her previous owner. I wanted to find out exactly the last time she was at the vet b/c I really didn't want to over vaccinate her. The woman who took Macy to the vet, got her fixed, shots everything actually aquired her through another family. The original family wanted Macy back after a year...and extremely reluctantly she gave Macy back to her 1st family. They are the ones the dumped her in the shelter. The woman I spoke with was almost crying on the phone b/c her family misses Macy so much. She said if she knew Macy would have ended up in a shelter there is no way they would have gotten her back. It sounds like they took care of her extremely well and loved her a whole lot.

    I felt a little guilty (ok, ALOT guilty) and kept thinking about the conversation I had with the 2nd owner. I did keep in contact with her and sent pictures and everything. I found out that she was going to be a full time stay at home mom and would have a ton of time to spend with Macy. I felt at the time that we were really struggling keeping up with both Prince and her and she needed more one on one time to be truely happy. I also thought that getting Macy and calling her 2nd family that it was almost destined they be re-united. Maybe guilt played a little into that as well. We finally decided to give Macy back on the condition that if ANYTHING came up and they were unable to keep her to give her back to us.

    We had Macy for about 2 & 1/2 months. That day was soooo hard for me, when "Susan" came to get Macy. Prince and Macy were getting along the best I have EVER seen them. I was telling her about the things I did with Macy in that short time. Bike rides around the block (country block, 4 miles), taking her to Pet Supplies Plus, taking her to my moms to play with her dogs, taking her for walks in the trails....Susan said to Macy "Wow Macy, that is better than you had with us, huh?" My heart sank when I heard that. I started to question everything that I was doing. I cried and cried and balled my eyes out when Macy left. It was so hard to give her up even though I *thought* I was doing the best thing for the dog.

    I kept in contact and it souded like Macy was doing great. Kids to play with, a family who totally adored her, someone who had the $$ & time to take care of her. Sunday night (Nov. 19, 2006) I received an email that they could no longer keep Macy. She said that Macy bit her youngest in the face. No stitches were needed, but it was through his lip. Now I am not clear on the details, as I was just told the youngest was just walking by her. Whether Macy had a bone or food at the time I am not sure. I know she is resource guardy with items when it comes to other animals & maybe a small 3yr old child was, in her eyes, equivilant or less than her on the totem pole. I know that is not a reason to bite, especially in the face, but I do know that Macy ruled that house. She was allowed on the bed, on furniture, had toys/food/pets/playtime when SHE wanted, not when the family wanted. So I feel this played a factor as well. This is something we will have to be vigilant about, when kids are around her. I am extremely careful as it is with Prince and he has the most stable temperment I have ever seen in a dog. But I know dogs view kids differently than adults, and I also know that Macy was fine with the 6yr old in their house and is submissive with adults. So I may just be missing some key details. But we do not have kids and will not have kids and I am more than posititve we can manage the situation.

    So that is the extremely long story on how we got Macy back. And some of Macy's history. This girl really needs a stable forever home. DH, Prince & I are soooooo ready to give her that. In her short 2yr life, she has been with 3 different families, in the shelter, and moved around 6 different times. Enough is enough. She is ours and I guess I needed to see that from the beginning!
    ETA: Date information
    • Gold Top Dog
    Ok here are some you can see Prince and Macy like to do almost everything together

    • Gold Top Dog
    Here is my favorite pic of Macy...I have too many of Prince to pick a favorite of him.

    • Bronze
    Hello, I am sorta new to this forum, but not to dogs.  Here's my short story to wake this thread back up. ;) 
    My family and I had gotten two German Shepherd dogs for work and breeding (no flaming, did my homework on lines and OFA and otherwise).  Well, you know how everyone has their dog, or rather, every dog has their favorite person in a multi-human houshold.  My male GSD is 'my' dog, my female is my 'mom's' dog and my poor dad has no dog to call 'his own'.  He's always loved Dobermans and does everything for us and the dogs.  Not that he doesn't love ours now, but he wants to have one that *he's* always wanted (we always wanted GSDs, and maybe a Dobe, but GSDs first).  We wouldn't have him or her for breeding, def not.  Just as companion and working around the house (I just got the crazy image of a Dobe with a bonnet and a vacuum).  We are torn between rescue and breeder, only because we have two other dogs and there might be a problem with a new adult.  My family is a bit vain about the ear cropping and tail docking, so...that's another reason why it's harder on the rescue. I know it sounds horrible, but my dad deserves the dog he wants.  I have found a few, but I think he wants a pup.  I'm trying to convince rescue.  If you guys could help me out, if you want, in finding Dobies in the Mid-West (distance from Chicago doesn't really matter, as long as it's driveable)
    We have two GSDs and one cat.  I have a small nephew that visits every now and again (small meaning not even crawling yet)  Cat is OK with dogs, and dogs are OK with dogs.  We have 5 acres all to ourselves and virtually no near-by neighbors. 
    What do you guys think?  Rescue or breeder?
    Thank you so much in advance.
    No flames please, I just left another forum for that and you guys seem to be much friendlier.
    Oh, and I am a professional trainer-in-training.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I prefer rescues only because it saves a life.  A good place to start would be [link][/link].    Here is a Dobe rescue group in Illinois [link][/link]. Currently they have quiet a few Dobes in rescue, some cropped & docked, others not. 
    I don't see where the cropping/docking is a dealbreaker, if you love the breed, you love it no matter what.  But I do understand to each is own.
    • Puppy

    Well, I have two Dobies. Bismarck is a black and tan: age 3. Howitzer is a red and rust: age 1 1/2. The boys are docked, but not cropped. They are my children. The people I work with even speak of them as if they are my kids.

    Bizzy is the more stubborn and pushy of the two. He likes his way and takes advantage of anyone who doesn't live with him. He sleeps on the big couch with his daddy and the little cat. In that spot, he is king!

    Howie is the mush. Though he is the bigger of the two dogs, he is a lover. I have yet to go anywhere with him that people do not fall in love. I don't think he has a mean bone in his body. His spot is with his mommy (Me) on the small couch. He likes to play with the yarn when I crochet or put his head in my lap when I read.

    Both dogs have several acres of thier own, but especially enjoy walks. Since it is winter and we are in NY, they are going through walk withdrawal! They like when mommy or daddy take the mountain bike for a ride and they get to go for a run!

    • Gold Top Dog

    You know that Dobe pics are mandatory! Big Smile

    Welcome to the forum!

    • Puppy


    You know that Dobe pics are mandatory! Big Smile

    Welcome to the forum!

    Bismarck (black)/Howitzer(red)


    Resting Howitzer 













    and the other one!

    Sleeping Bismarck 






















    • Gold Top Dog

    OMG!  They are adorable.  Howitzer looks like such a sweet boy, & Bismark looks like he definitely knows how to get comfortable!

    • Puppy


    OMG!  They are adorable.  Howitzer looks like such a sweet boy, & Bismark looks like he definitely knows how to get comfortable!

    Thank you! I told them you said that. They are smiling because they know it's true!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Beautiful!! More pics, please!!!