Doberman Owners

    • Gold Top Dog

    Doberman Owners

    I am getting insanely jealous that all these other breeds have a thread, and our wonderful, brilliant, loyal, loving babies don't have a thread of their own.  So who has a dobie?  What is his/her name?  Give me all the particulars.
    I have one Doberman of my own.  Bevo is a 3.5 year old, neutered male, black/tan.  He came to me after he was sold to a family that couldn't handle him.  His new family decided to have him euthanized because of his behavior problems, but I convinced them that if they turned him over to me that I could "fix" him.  They decided that "I knew that this dog is mentally unstable & may kill you", and let me have him.  He & I made numerous trips to a behaviorist, have worked with a trainer for over 1.5 years straight, and now he is a great guy.  He has worked hard to earn his CD, CDX, CGC, and we are now working for therapy certification. (we have a minor problem but with help form other members here, I am confident that we are on the right path).
    I was fostering 2 other dobies, that were being used as a breeding pair by a byb.  Animal control took the dogs, and they came to live with me for a little while.  As of today they were adopted to an excellent home.
    • Gold Top Dog
    You might like this link...if it works right! I unfortunately do not currently own a dobie. As soon as i get out of school and have a bigger place, i definitely plan on getting one! I actually talked to a woman a while back who thought about giving me hers (because of a divorce) I never heard from her, and just very recently someone else told me that particular dog was dog aggressive.
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    [:D]OH happyday, it worked. I was so bummed to see the thread gone when it was going so well for a while.  Please, Bevo, post pics of your Dobes here!! [;)]
    • Silver
    I think I have a dobie mix. I don't know for sure. He is the black one in my signature. I think he may be doberman/German Shepherd mix. What do you guys think?  He was rescued from a storm drain last Easter - We named him Drano [:D]
    • Bronze
    Hi, Doby owner here. I have a beautiful 9year old Doby. He is my baby, his name is Tuvok. I got him five years ago from the pound. He had been abused and terribly neglected. He shook when he got close to people. He was 15 pounds underweight, his ears had been bitten by flys. He was a mess, it took me six months just to get him to eat in the house. I tear up when I think back to that time. I vowed then that as long as he lives he will be spoiled (in a good  way of course) You would not recognize him now as the same dog. He is happy, confident, and loves everybody. It was through lots and lots of love and patience that he has come this far. I love the breed they are such loving and giving and brave dogs. They would die defending you in a heartbeat. He is my second Doby. My first died of complications of surgery and I still cry sometimes when I think of him. He was also a very special dog. I consider myself so blessed to have a Doby in my life.[sm=happy.gif][sm=happy.gif]
    • Gold Top Dog
    hi...I have 2 Dobies. Both are 2 years old. My male is red (Kyzer) and my female is black/gold (Kassie). They are very special to me. I originally got them for protection but have learned that although they are very intimidating  looking they are so sweet and loving. Both are totally opposite personalities. Kyzer loves to run and run and run and bully folks outside the backyard fence (I live on a golf course). He's a Momma's boy for sure....very active and very smart. Of course he's absolutely gorgeous too ! My Kassie is a couch potato and a cuddler. She also does the flank sucking thing that seems to be fairly common in Dobies. I feed Kyzer Canidae and Kassie Innova. Both are healthy, loving, smart and beautiful.  
    • Gold Top Dog
    We just lost our baby girl at the age of 14.  She was a pound puppy when we got her and had to have lots of training and love but she turned into the best friend anyone could have.  She traveled many miles in a motor home with us and visited many states.  She was my second dobie and yes, I have to agree, once you've had a dobie buddy you've had the best.   Run Free Casey!!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I never owned one but the neighbor had one and for a while it growled and barked at me and then we kind of adopted the fellow. He was a great dog very protective of us lol but not his owner. We called him Dobie and he was a rusty brown color..what is that called? he was so strong with very deep chest muscles. he was very handsome. I miss him I don't know what happened to him.
    • Puppy
    He has worked hard to earn his CD, CDX, CGC, and we are now working for therapy certification.

    What an accomplishment! WTG!

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    he was a rusty brown color..what is that called?

    That's Red and Rust.  Red is the body color, Rust is the brownish/tanish markings on their cheeks, eyebrows, chest, feet, underside of the tail, etc.
    Dobes come in 4 color varieties - from left to right in this photo - Red/Rust, Black/Rust (or Black/Tan - some interchange here), Fawn/Rust (also known as Isabella), and Blue/Rust

    This pic shows a red puppy (left) and a blue puppy (right)

    Fawn and Rust adult at this link is BEAUTIFUL - I just can't get the image to load here b/c it's on

    There is a mutation in the breed which resulted in "white" Dobermans - which is a white/cream colored body with cream/pale tan markings where its normally rust.  White Dobes are not accepted as breed standard in AKC nor DPCA (Doberman Pinscher Club of America). Read more here [link][/link]

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    And here is a crazy chart to show you the general genetic possibilities behind color inheritance.  My pup came from a litter with every color in it, so I was curious what the variants would be for that to happen.
    • Gold Top Dog
    miranadobe- oh wow that is cool! I didn't know there was five different colors! With your infomation  you gave me he was a fawn/rust. I knew he was a dobie b/c of his bone structure, I just wasn't to for sure about that color. I thought there was just  black and tan and "brown" is what I called it. Thanks for the right terms and info!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I will post pics of my brats when I get home. Not sure if I posted the story about Macy and how we aquired her (twice) or not. If anyone wants to hear it, please let me know!
    • Bronze
    I have to say, it is unfortunate that the albino in the Dobie breed is a mistake in genetics, but how cool looking is that.  I think the one posted here is awesome looking.  Thank you for sharing.  I did have Dobies a long time ago, they called their bloodline, Warlock.  The father of the pup we bought was HUGE, and I mean huge. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Albino dobes can have serious health problems along with that cool look. They usually squint when outside whether the sun is shining or not and can have vision problems. Alot can be fearful due to not being able to see their surroundings properly. They are easily sunburned due to lack of pigment in their skin. More information can be found here: [link][/link]
    It is a shame when people breed these dogs to be so big. Breed standard calls for a medium sized dog. There are enough health issues in the breed, especially with Cardio and Wobbler's, that a larger size isn't needed...that ;puts even more stress on heart & bones IMO.