Is this dog skinny?

    • Gold Top Dog

     i like to see a well conditioned dog and i wont say this one is unhealthy, emaciated, or what ever... but to be honest he's slightly over the line in my opinion. looking back through history when dog fighting was popular/legal i didnt find any dogs looking QUITE like this.

    there is a game condition yes. there is a fighting condition but a fighting condition is not the same as a running condition. runners are thin because more weight means slow... and tell me .. have you ever seen a SKINNY boxer?(the human, not the dog breed) in boxing we have featherweight, middleweight, heavyweight... but none of them are skinny. well muscled yes, but not bony. 

    i personally would expect this condition of a dog that needs speed. but, i'm no expert either, i would imagine the heavier, more muscled dog would win the fight. UNLESS... they intentionally starve their dogs to add to their gameness. i've heard of houndsmen doing that with their pack before a hunt to increase their drive to find food. 

    opinions and views get distorted over time. someone sees a picture of a great champion(an individual) so they strive for a mirror image of that champ whether or not its right or wrong. 

    I keep my own dogs in an athletic weight - bulldogs are prone to obesity! and as a result people tell me MY dogs look too skinny... because all they ever see is a fat jolly ol' fellow. 

    here is what i consider to be a well conditioned pit bull(though actually i think he's a staffy bull. this dog lives in the UK and competes in ACES -Athletic Canine Enthusiast Society - 





    • Gold Top Dog
    You should not be able to see so many rib bones. Too skinny imo
    • Gold Top Dog

     yeah three ribs is my personal limit