Need Prayers for my friend's twin babies

    • Gold Top Dog

     I wanted to give you all an update on how my friends twins are doing. As of Monday their incubators have been turned down to room temputer and my friend was able to dress them for the first time since they have been borned. They have uped on their feeding  still gaining weight and the biggest news they are off the oxygen tubes which is a huge step. Since Pation's lungs wheren't fully developed and both where having breathing issues the doctors are suprised that they are getting better so fast they thought it would be a couple more weeks to get off the oxygen all together. My friend is now able to hold them both at the same time and now she can hold them longer. It's been hard on her leaving the girls for a day, but she is holding tuff and seems to be managing well despite all of this.

    • Gold Top Dog

    How wonderful to hear that they are going to be off the oxygen completely soon.  Your friend must be so thrilled at the prospect of finally taking them home.  I'll continue to pray for their quick homecoming and continued improvement. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Another update. They now onto bottle feeding and in bassinets infact they have up twice so far in bottle feedings. They are eating good and their bad days are getting farther and farther apart. As of last weight in that I know  Pation is 4lb 14ounces and Kylin is now 4lbs 8ounces. The doctors say in a couple weeks they should be allowed to go home, but told my friend that maybe Kylin will get to come home before Pation does.

    All though I do have some bad news for my friend she is need of prayers she had her doctor app. yesterday she might have certical cancer. She is going to the doctor again next week to get a biopsy done.     

    • Gold Top Dog

    All though I do have some bad news for my friend she is need of prayers she had her doctor app. yesterday she might have certical cancer. She is going to the doctor again next week to get a biopsy done.     


      I'm so sorry; she's been through so much with the twins and now this. I'll be praying for her. The news about the twins is great though and hopefully, that will help her get through this new crisis.

    • Gold Top Dog

     No news on my friend yet, but I have great news. As long as the twins pass this last test they will be coming home this week or next so fingers crossed and home coming vibes that they will be coming home.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Today my friend called to tell that the hospital let them take both the girls home today!! She is happy and nervous about them being home epecially with everything they have been through and they can still have a few bad moments. Since they are no more doctors or nurses at hand so she is still going to have some sleepless nights. It's going to intresting come Monday when she is going to be home with the babies and her five year old with no helping hands.

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's great they are finally getting to go home!  I'm sure I would be nervous too about bringing them home but I bet she and the babies will do fine.