Posted : 12/1/2008 11:18:07 PM
Lori -- you weren't HERE tos ee how bad Billy's skin got -- to see the HUGE **NON-SYMETRICAL** fat pads that developed on his hips (he had 3 vets completely worried that he had growths on his hips and we actually had an ultrasound!!) -- trust me -- worry? OH YEAH!!
Been there, done that, still doing it!! a month ago his liver values whacked out .... jumped on the milk thistle (AGAIN) big time -- and then even super bigger big time ... got the levels down BUT does the skin know this? Nope ... the skin goes completely whacked out. All of a sudden last week the night before we're supposed to go away I look down and his whole belly is blood FIRE RED. Yeast burn -- I mean YEAST *******BURNNNNNNN******* and even his nipples were swollen? What the heck?? I bathed him in Selsun Blue -- holistic vet sends me home THREE strong herbs **and** a rinse to make up and pat on his tummy.
All that was **after** I got the liver values down. It was a direct result of the liver values -- liver crap ALWAYS makes bad skin.
The running joke for almost two years, Lori was "Oh ... his skin is all inflamed and bad -- gee whiz ... shall we put him on prednisone ... or maybe Atopica (cyclosporine)?????"
It was a joke but every time it almost made me cry.
He bobbled shoot -- I'm going to say like three times. One time we had JUST gotten him off the pred ... and we'd just begun to reduce the cyclosporine (remember Lori -- Billy was on as big a dose of pred as Willow for his weight AND he was on these gigundo massive HUGE doses of cyclosporine TOO -- like his cyclo was as much as my house payment!!)
We got the cyclosporine from 125 mg down to 110 ... and then to 100 ... and ACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK his pack cell started to fluctuate. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo way!
Back up to 110 we go with the cyclosporine -- fully thinking maybe we'd have to shove it back up to 125.
We didn't. But dang he was at 110 for weeks and weeks and it was the WORST doseage for him. There was something about 110 mg. that he just plain did NOT tolerate well at all. It made his skin SOOOOOOOOO bad. I can remember almost weeping when I gave him the meds. You feel like you're killing them with every dose in a way. But you know to NOT give it makes it worse.
Will we get him off the darned meds before they kill his liver and kidneys? will getting him off the meds too quick kill him??
Lori -- I SOOOOOO understand. You *will* win. But you feel soo darned conflicted all the time. The way you feel is SOOO normal.