Posted : 1/4/2008 1:57:35 PM
Lori, I had no idea you were facing this until I received your PM the other day . . . even though I log onto the forum less frequently these days, I check the Spiritual and Rainbow Bridge sections when I do log on. Somehow I missed your original thread before Christmas. My friend's Dad had the same diagnosis and surgery in early December, and his recovery has been going very well. His case was caught very early, too, and his prognosis is excellent. Like your Dad, the downside is the boredom of being somewhat house-bound; he couldn't travel to the midwest for Christmas to see my friend, her brothers and all his grandkids. I guess the good thing is they're both recovering in winter when there's less of a desire to be outside in the yard, golfing, or whatever. Good time to read some great books, watch some fun movies, do crosswords . . . even take up dog forum posting!
I agree that these situations can be just as hard, if not harder, for the spouse and families, who feel they can't do much but worry and wait. It's true what you said about earlier generations' devoted support of one another. I've seen that with older friends and family members who've had spouses go through surgeries and hospital stays. If DH's condition were critical, I'd want to be there around the clock, but if he was resting comfortably after a fairly routine surgery that went smoothly, I'd probably want to be in my own bed at night!
I wish I'd seen your post earlier so I could've offered some support right away, but I'm glad to hear the latest update. Sending plenty of healing vibes to your Dad and some calming ones to you, your Mom and the rest of your family!