Some of you remember me posting a few months ago about the disease in my eyes. I found a new retinal specialist and he sent me for some lab work and I don't have the disease the first guy said I do, I have a different rare incurable eye disease. Prognosis for my vision still is the same though.
Anyway, I went to the retinal specialist today and he found 5 active leaks in my left eye. Normally if they find one leak the answer would be laser surgery to stop it. But, because there are 5 of them and they are in different areas of my eye he doesn't want to do laser just yet because to do so will cause me significant vision loss, but leaving them alone will eventually cause MAJOR vision loss.
So, as of tomorrow morning I am going to start taking steroids in hopes of stopping the leaks so I don't have to have surgery. I pray it works and I would like you all to pray with me too.