Good vibes/prayers for Yogi..

    • Gold Top Dog

    Good vibes/prayers for Yogi..

    Yogi is a dog in the vet tech program I am in. We are currently adopting them out to homes and had thought we found him a good one. Yesterday the people called Yogi and said Yogi had bit the women in the face.  So the person who heads up the dog talked to the students and said that they need to find more out about the situation, but if Yogi is not adopted out to one of the students he will be euthanized.
    Of course we all wanted to know what the full story was. We have worked with Yogi since August and he had never ever showed any aggression towards any of us and we did everything from learning how to restrain a dog, to giving them IM, SQ shots, drawing blood for heartworm checks and the list goes on. 
    So Yogi returned to the kennel today.  He never bit anyone.  Here he broke out of his cage and when the people who adopted him came home he was excited and was jumping and trying to kiss her and the guy flipped out.  Now it is bad manners for a dog to jump on them (specially seeing that he is 50 pounds) and we had been working on him with it.  But he was a death row rescue pound puppy who doesn't have the best training yet and he is one who often forgets his manners.  The adoptees are given all this information at time of adoption, but are given 30 days to return the animal too us.
    So even though he didn't bite anyone, the program still will not adopt him out to anyone that is not in the program and know what he is like, because he does need a dominant person who knows how to put him back in place when he gets out of line. If he doesn't get adopted by the a student, they still want to euthinize this wonderful, but very dopey dog. Of course we as students who have become very attached to all the animals in the program a fully against it and are working on finding him a home.
    One of the girls in the program Yogi really responds to.  She got the okay from her family to bring him home and she is willing to take legal responsability for him and foster him until he is trained.
    Problem is she needs to put up a fence and she is not sure how quickly she can get together the money to get one up for him. We are all pitching in as much as we can to try and save him.
    So Yogi needs your good vibes and prayers as he is a good dog who just needs to find the right person.
    • Gold Top Dog
     ;Poor Yogi;  This seems so unfair. Lots of prayers coming from here.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Awwww, good vibes and prayers coming from here too.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Deer fencing is cheaper than wood fencing, and if he isn't a particularly "escape artist" kind of dog, it might help to do that as a first fence.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Good vibes and positive energy for Yogi!  Poor love!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Good vibes coming from WV for Yogi....   Bless his little heart.