Posted : 4/12/2007 7:35:53 PM
I'm so glad I got a chance to talk to you -- he's adorable, but you DO realize that if you're gonna stick him with that moniker then you've GOTTA keep this boy in red bandanas!! I mean, can you imagine Willie Nelson without one?? *grin*
Even tho he's showing some 'sign' of the heartworm with the cough, because of his size that may actually be exacerbated (a couple of adult heartworms in a tiny dog take up way more room than they would in a bigger dog). So much will depend on what your vet says.
They are certainly a pair of cuties -- it will be wonderful once you get him on the road to recovery and truly begin to find the real personality as it emerges. I'd bet he's gonna be a true character. But I will also betcha he will be very very thankful to have a good home. Often bringing a dog thru such a health episode deepens that bond -- he is such a cutie. Please please let me know how he does and which method you choose to treat him!!