I had the second CA 125 test done last week and the Gyn/Oncologist called me last night to say it was 12 (<35 is normal) and based on the test, I don't have cancer nor do I need to have surgery [sm=dance.gif]. To say I was relieved doesn't even come close to how I felt. I had been preparing myself for the call, and if I'd have had to put money on it, would've bet it would still be high. I'd been giving myself pep talks on how I'd be strong and handle the surgical menopause just fine, etc., etc., etc. I feel like the luckiest person in the world right now. Thanks for everyone's good thoughts and prayers on this [
Update - I got the results of the BRCA1 and 2 testing yesterday and they were negative, which means there's no gene mutation. Woohoo, what a relief. I've pretty much assumed I would be positive with my mom and sister's cancer history, so it was a very pleasant surprise. My best friend also had some testing for bladder cancer, and it came back negative last week, so I'm feeling very grateful these days. I'm flying to Florida to spend a week with her on Thursday night and we're going to celebrate like crazy [sm=dance.gif]