Not to long ago in my neighbourhood, a woman had her husband murdered. Left behind are 2 boys, one aged 9 and the other 17. The oldest boy was the fathers biological son and the other was both parents. The grandmother was taking care of them but the stress was too much and she died of a heart attack. The youngest son has gone to live with an aunt but the older one is living on the street because he has no one who wants him.
My brother who works in the intelligence dept of our police dept. gave me a heads up on what has occured and I have offered my home as a safe haven for this lost soul.
I am asking for your prayers and positive thoughts that we can find this boy and bring him home. I know that it is going to be a hard road for this boy but everyone needs to be loved. My heart is aching for him and I would like him to have a perminent home for Christmas.
Thanks guys