Just my encouragement -- can we really light candles?

Cora & J -- my heart breaks for Paige, her friend and that whole situation.

Xebby -- she's got more on her plate right now than anyone ought to have to handle (not just the dogbite situation, but other personal stuff she's referred to.

Two IMHA dogs -- Sydney is up to her third transfusion tonight and is not holding wel (and these folks have done EVERYTHING), and Muffy is newly home but is still in a relally scarey place.  Cocoa is again relapsing.

 Just seems like we've got a lot of I-Doggers with difficult situations right now.  (Iv'e got a list in my head but they may not appreciate me listing them).

I think a little extra prayer & good thots, candles lit (make them smell nice for most of you!!) and for me, I find comfort in the e-candles on the Candles Page