Posted : 12/1/2010 10:34:54 AM
My hands are SO tied here -- I can't say anything of significance. The trial is today - they literally just have to sit and wait to be called.
The slime they've uncovered is unreal -- and one of the attorneys working with the other side has been disbarred for fraud. But everyone is so "dirty" that it's all just scarey.
Huge worry is that AC reneged on their promise to let her therapy dogs go to foster care - she's afraid that if this goes badly they'll just go back from court and put them to sleep just to further force her.
My prayer for this is that it all crack wide open -- because if they've hurt HER this much, then how many other people have gotten stomped on?
Feel free to email me -- but don't PM me -- PM's can be 'opened' and I don't want anything up "online" that might harm her/their case.