Posted : 8/21/2010 8:33:10 AM
I thought that I'd update real quick.
Brutus is hanging in there. His vomiting has became more frequent, & now he's having bouts of bloody diarrhea. He still feels lousy, but I got a nub wag, & snort when I walked in to see him this morning. He didn't have the energy to get up, but at least I did get a response. He was also feeling well enough to tell one of the doctors to back off. Right now, the tenative diagnosis is salmonella. One of our local hospitals has a culture running now, to confirm or deny this.
Both Cher & Shooter started vomiting overnight. Shooter is at the vet clinic with Brutus. He's on IV fluids, but seems to be fine. He's a tiny guy, & he dehydates quickly, so it seemed smart, to me, to have him hooked up before he vomited much more. Cher is doing fine right now. She ate a bland breakfast & it seems to be staying down. She vomited up a hoof, & about 3 inches of a deer leg last night. I am assuming that this is what Brutus & Shooter ate as well.
We were working in one of the horse's paddocks yesterday, & Boo, Cher, & Shoe found something really interesting. I assumed that they were after a rabbit or mouse, but now I'm guessing that they had found part of a deer that had been hit by a tractor earlier in the week while hay was being cut. I walked the pasture this morning, & found pieces of rotting deer scattered around.