I've gotta hold it together cos I'm at work -- but I just got everyone's bloodwork back.
First -- there was a problem somehow with the tubes that the thyroid blood was sent it -- all 3 came back completely whacked out.
But the worry is -- Billy's bloodwork is not good at all (particularly for a dog we can't see ANYTHING wrong with).
His hematacrit (PCV) is down to TWENTY-FIVE. His platelets are WAY down to 70 altho clumped (that may be a red herring). Now ... was there just something wrong with the blood (how it was sent, etc.) OR did he drink TONS?? (I'm not seeing that reflected in the urinalysis)
Honest to Pete -- I'm scared. I knew he's been acting a tad "old" -- and we always try to MAKE SURE that doesn't cause us to make the wrong assumptions (NOOO way do I think "he's just slowing down because ...";)
But I did NOT see this coming.