Hurting and would like prayers...

    • Bronze
    Dear rredbird,
    I am so sorry for the grief you are going through. As a lay councelor who has worked with pregnant women for over ten years, I can tell you that your reaction is normal. You have lost a child. You will grieve. Please allow yourself to do so. There are seven stages of grief we must pass through to heal. If you don't know them, or want to talk further, please feel free to contact me via, e-mail.
    I will pray for you. There is nothing harder than losing a child, but God can turn your weeping into joy. I too have a baby waiting for me in His care. I get excited when I think that someday I will meet him or her and get to hug or hold her - yes, I hope it was my girl. My two boys were wonderful, but I can dream that the one I lost was a girl. [:)]
    Blessing and prayer
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks you so very much for your kind words and shared experiences.  I am doing much better even though I had to release my cat CJ from her pain a week ago.  Fell apart for a while but things are better.  My body did what it had to do so I didn't have to have the surgery which I am very grateful to God for. 
    Thank you again for listening and replying - it helped me so much.  
    • Gold Top Dog
    Robin - sorry about CJ - I cannot imagine experiencing losses like these back to back.  And in general, I think, many people are somewhat dismissive of or fail to understand the depth and significance of the loss of an infant in utero or the loss of a pet.  You have my real sympathies on both.  I hope you continue to heal physically and emotionally and that each day feels a little brighter.  Sending you thoughts of comfort...
    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh Robin, I don't know if my posting now will help or hurt you.  I just want to add my heart felt condolences for you & your family.  I have no idea what you're going through but I can only imagine the pain & loss.  Please know that my heart is going out to you for both your losses.  ((Robin))