Posted : 2/23/2014 1:33:33 PM
Janice, I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. I know you were feeling encouraged by her progress and her return home. The hardest thing to do is make the decision you and your DH made for Jessie. Having been there myself, I know how it feels to look for signs from our beloved dogs that they're just not able or willing to rally any longer. It was the most heartbreaking decision I've ever faced in my life.
Jessie was so lucky to have shared her life with people who were so devoted to giving her the happiest, healthiest life possible. She was blessed with dog parents who were committed to helping her with the pancreatitis and all the management her health concerns involved. She was truly loved, that's for sure.
Sending hugs to you. I know the coming days and weeks will be very hard. I hope it gives you some comfort to imagine Jessie in a better place, strong and healthy, greeting old friends and new. She'll be watching over you now.
Run free, sweet Jessie!