Posted : 12/4/2007 10:56:39 AM
I am the one in this relationship who makes the rules and I expect them to be followed. I am stronger and more powerful than you are and I am your leader and mom."
see, this is NOT the relationship I want with my dogs. It is the relationship I had with my first two dogs, and I didn't really care for it. My reasons:
First of all, they are ALL stronger and more powerful than me, most are even physically larger than I am; even my neighbor's medium-sized dog could beat me in real fight- he has teeth and protective fur, I don't.
Second, I think of training as a game we play together, not something I impose on them. The only aspect of training I consider at all serious is the final steps of proofing the recall. Otherwise, well, they always have the option of not-obeying. I careful set things up so they are almost certain to obey, but if say Baxter would rather not obey, that's fine, that's his choice, he just doesn't get his dinner or get to go outside or get to go for a ride in the truck.
And third, I don't want my dogs to ever think that I may be willing to use extreme violence with them to force compliance- which is what you are implying when you approach dog training with this attitude.
And fourth, one of the most irritating things that ever happened to me as a child was listening to my mother use the "you do what I say because I'm your mother". I always thought that was really stupid reason for obeying anyone.