Posted : 7/18/2007 8:36:10 AM
Hi bryanar,
There are lots of ways to teach a good recall. Here's a thread with a few ideas:
http://forum.dog.com/asp/tm.asp?m=328865&mpage=1&key=really%2Creliable%2Crecall . Search term "reliable recall" here in archives will bring you lots of threads.
I scanned the article you linked to.... yes always lots of praise for the dog coming to you.
A couple of other things:
Select a recall word. I only use "come" when it's *really* important, other wise I use "here." You don't want to make your recall word a word that your dog learns to ignore.
In the beginning, never allow your dog to fail to come! Only call him when you are 100% sure he will comply ... this means that he is already on his way to you, or you have him on a lead, so you can reel him in and complete the command for him. This is so you don't teach her to ignore your recall word.
As far as the rough play: a trainer and I worked with Ixa to teach appropriate dog interaction behaviors. You may want to hire a trainer to help you, too. We put Ixa with another dog, and corrected her, "eh-eh", when she snarled or growled at the other dog, then praised and rewarded her for nicely sniffing, getting sniffed, and simply being a relaxed good sport. This worked to change her behavior.