Nipping dogs at the park

    • Puppy

    Nipping dogs at the park

    I have a 12 pound chihuahua mix that needs to learn some manners. He's constantly nipping dogs legs when he wants to play, does it when they're playing and he's chasing him, while wrestling, when they get distracted from play. I know nipping is normal behavior, but he takes it too far when it's  obvious the other dog isn't liking it. There've been a couple instances where he's persistantly chased a dog around nipping them for a long time while they're trying to get away. He's not trying to be mean or dominant, its just how he plays and for the most part it's annoying the other dogs. I've tried yelling no, calling him over and telling him no, distracting him, I just have no clue how to teach him limits here. Any suggestions?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd avoid the park or keep him on a long line so you can keep control.  One of these days he may nip a dog who decides to retaliate and he could be seriously injured or even killed.  Imagine how you would feel if another dog was doing that to your dog.  

    You can look for a trainer for help teaching him some manners  but the best option is management on your part.