Posted : 10/21/2013 1:02:15 PM
The first thing I'd do is get a wrap designed for male dogs to prevent anymore urine on the carpet. Make sure you keep it changed and clean. I had to use one for a dog once and I used feminine light day napkins instead of the pads you buy as the human products are much cheaper. Most of the large big box pet stores carry these wraps or you can buy them online.
The other thing you might try is to stop talking to him when you want him off the furniture or out of the kitchen or in any situation that requires you to tell him to do something. You might not be yelling but something about these scenarios is causing him to feel fear and to urinate in submission. He may be reacting fearfully because of previous scoldings in his former life.
Try luring him off the couch or out of the kitchen with a treat or a toy. Don't say anything just show him the treat or toy as you toss it in the direction you want him to move. High value treats work best. Praise him when he moves in the right direction. Teach him to lay on a dog bed or to get in his crate at these times. This may take many repetitions and much patience on your part.
You may not feel you are scaring him when you tell him to do something but consider that you may be transmitting an unhappy vibe to him. You're anticipating that he's going to pee when you tell him to do something. Inside you are probably not feeling good about him at this time. He senses that emotion through your body language and facial expression and some scientists believe dogs can sense chemical changes that occur when we are happy or when we're upset/mad.
Good luck and please don't give up on him. His problems, that have been overcome, show he can improve with some training and a patient owner.