Posted : 3/7/2012 7:24:58 PM
I'm not much for making sure a dog knows its least not in the way that some trainers mean that. In our home, the dogs are part of the family, but, just like our sons, they have rules they have to follow. Your pup should be willing to respond to requests from the kids that you have trained and she should respect the children as fellow family members, but, they also need to respect HER. Things like not bothering her when she's eating, not teasing her, respecting that she too feels pain (some kids don't get that), allowing her alone time when she wants it, that sort of thing.
When the kids get nipped, they should immediately just STOP. And turn away from her and ignore. I don't know how old your boys are, but, most kids will squeel or yell, and make even more noise, get even more excited, and that just exasperates the problem.