Dog chewing stitches?

    • Silver

    Dog chewing stitches?

    Okay, so my pup got neutered 2 days ago--and just a few minutes ago I heard him ripping at the stitches with his teeth. He's only done it the one time, that I know of, but that's enough to have me nervous. Should I go to the vet and get one of those cone things, or is there a less humiliating alternative for him? He's constantly licking the stitches, and now I'm going to be anxious about him ripping them out. Thanks for any help!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Absolutely!! We send home all of our surgeries with one. Much better than the infectious alternative!
    • Gold Top Dog

    If you've got an ace bandage you can put it on (NOT tight).  You can roll up a towel tight and wrap it around the back of the skull/neck and secure that with vet wrap or ace bandage until you CAN go to the vet and get an e-collar. 

    2 days is NOT enough time for that to seal and hold. 

    • Silver

     Alright, thank you for the help! I'll see if my mum would be willing to stop by the vet either today or tomorrow.

    • Silver
    Alright, thank you for the help! I'll try and go to the vet either today or tomorrow. If tomorrow, I'll see which of the alternatives he will let me do (he's a big baby, so I don't think he'll want me to put a bandage on it)
    • Gold Top Dog

    Just keep your hands on him then - you don't want him chewing those stitches out and opening that up -- it would be messy and very likely to infect. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Another alternative to an e-collar is to use a rolled up towel that is tape around his neck to restrict his movement, kinda like a neck brace. If he can't bend his neck, then he can't move his head around to get to the stitched but can still function normally.

    Here is a pic I found demonstrating this method, thanks to a Basset forum:
    • Silver

     Ah yes, I thought about doing that but since he's only 8 pounds I was afraid our towels would be too bulky--but anyways thanks for your concern, he hasn't chewed on them since and his stitches have healed up rather nicely, I think.

    • Puppy

     I feel sorry for your little furry friend, but i am sure it's only being bothered by a bit of itching on the stitches, besides it's in all dogs nature to scratch and nibble on their body parts sometime.

    (link removed by moderator)

    • Puppy
