Posted : 10/7/2011 7:07:06 AM
I have three of her books - Get Connected, Aggression in Dogs, and the Body Language book. All are fascinating reads - I don't necessarily use everything in them, but she is extremely knowledgeable and I would recommend her books to just about anyone.
I spoke with her at length this past spring when I had a very difficult client and was struggling with the right thing to do, as there were a LOT of underlying emotional problems with the dog, and frustrations were high. I wrote to her on a whim, not even knowing what to expect, not knowing if she'd answer as I'm sure a TON of people do the very same thing (including people writing about their own dogs), and amazingly she responded personally and we had the most fabulous talk and she was so willing to listen and offer advice. Turns out I was on the right track the whole time - and about seven months later the dog and owner are doing well and have completed two full training classes. I will always remember that conversation, and the confidence she gave ME to know I was doing all the right things, even if they were not "traditional" training techniques.