So when walking Leo, he MUST be on the right. not only that, but when someone crossed his path,or he is not on right, he stops DEAD in his tracks, and circles around in front of you, counterclockwise and then behind u, back to his esteemed position on the right, (basically a counter-clock-wise circle around u wrapping the leash around you) . he cant just go to the right, he HAS to go in front of you, and then left and around behind. if there is a goup, he does the same thing, we all have to do the "dance" passing leashes under and over and me spinning to accomodate him. its the goofiest thing i have ever seen. (we people too look quite funny) this behavior has earned him the nickname "reset" because he just seems to have to do it that way to reset his position on the right. i dont know of any herding dog in him, so i am baffled by it. just wondering if anyone knows anything about it.