Hey there, I am looking for suggestions to help teach a young Weim to walk nice and gently. I only have her 3 days a week, M/W/F and she is pulling a lot and doesn't seem to settle into a place for the walk. She is constantly jumping from one place to another. ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING will catch her attention but she doesn't give chase so looking and moving on is fine. She listens, has a bit of trouble with a "down stay" but won't wander very far but will sit down when told to. So, I know she is teachable but I'm having trouble getting her to settle in for our walks.
BTW we are using a 'pinch" collar because that is what the owner uses and has requested. So, since she is what I would consider a "soft neck" breed I use the pinch collar pretty sparingly and will use words to bring her back from pulling. When I do she will usually settle down for a few minutes but then she is right back to bouncing around. We've been walking for about 5 months now and I would have thought that she would have "gotten" it by now like her sister the lab but nope...not my Weim. So, it would be great if you can help me figure out what I'm missing so we can both enjoy our walks more.
Thanks, Terri