Posted : 3/21/2011 7:26:15 PM
I think for a lot of dogs, a shelter takes out a lot of factors. My dogs for example.... Nikon is more likely to react or rumble at another dog if he is on our property and/or with me, or with my other dogs. Take me, the rest of his pack, and our property out of the equation and he's just an "alone" dog with nothing to protect. He can be protective of his pack, his people, and his property but in his heart he is a pack animal and needs *some* form of companionship. If everything that matters to him disappears, he will start over. The more out of his own element he is, the less alert and reactive he is. He would not let a "strange" dog walk up to our gate and enter our yard, yet I can take him to a dog show and show him in a ring with several other intact male dogs without so much as a sideways sniff in their direction. There is also the me-vibe. If I tense up, especially on a leash, my dogs are more likely to pick up on that and react.
The shelter where I used to volunteer prefers to have 2 dogs to a run because they say the dogs appear less stressed. The dogs that are alone are because they are DA or have some health condition (like a dog that just had a leg amputated). Most of them end up paired off. For feeding though, the run is guillotined in half. The dogs never are fed together and we were not even supposed to bring food/treats into the kennel area unless it was in our pockets and only given one dog at a time while we were out on a walk away from other dogs.