Two of my dogs are not getting along

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not sure that I'd go to the ABC site to find a trainer that can help you with this issue - there is a HUGE range of skills there and a new trainer won't have the experience to help with this.  I'd probably look at the IAABC site for a Certified Do Behavior Counselor: - ime initial consultations often run in the $150-250 range, more if it includes a few follow ups.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not sure that I'd go to the ABC site to find a trainer that can help you with this issue - there is a HUGE range of skills there and a new trainer won't have the experience to help with this.  I'd probably look at the IAABC site for a Certified Do Behavior Counselor: -


    Your'e right and when I saw your post, I was kind of doing the forehead slap thing. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    I'm not sure that I'd go to the ABC site to find a trainer that can help you with this issue - there is a HUGE range of skills there and a new trainer won't have the experience to help with this.  I'd probably look at the IAABC site for a Certified Do Behavior Counselor: -


    Your'e right and when I saw your post, I was kind of doing the forehead slap thing. 


    IAABC is good, but check the following sites, too, as these are the listings of Ph.D. and DVM behaviorists:

    • Silver

    Husband doesn't want to spend $250-300 to someone to say. You have too many dogs. Find a few new homes.

    So I did find a Poodle rescue that is willing to take the Poodles. I figure I will find homes for the two puppies before anymore problems break out. If cannot provide a stable environment for the whole pack then I shouldn't have this many dogs.

    Someone told me I am bordering on hoarding. Maybe it's true? I don't know. My house is not dirty. My dogs go the bathroom outside. They are all vetted and well groomed. They all get their turns going for walks. Is it hoarding or just a love of dogs? Am I over doing my personal limit. I do have a kennel licence for 10 dogs. I know I can't exceed that.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't think that anyone can say definatively whether or not you are a hoarder.  But, yes, it does sound to me like you've exceeded your personal limits.  It doesn't sound like you get a lot of help and/or support from your husband, but that's only from what you've said.  Obviously no one knows what goes on inside your own family dynamic.

    I have six large dogs.  I wouldn't do that again, regardless of how much we ALL love them all.  And I do get a lot of help.  Still, it can be tough.  When we had to live in the RV one of my boys got really aggressive.  Sheba had to be vetted and very nearly lost her eye, Theo got his chest ripped open.  I had a complete blood panal done, including thyroid, but the bottom line was simply too much dog in too little space.  Now that we are in the house, no issues at all.  But, while we were still in the RV we used very strict management practices including crating Thunder during the day and medicating everyone with natural stuff...Calms Forte and Vallerin.  In our case, it was situational.  We delayed a decision on Thunder until we were in the house despite his causing two serious injuries, and we were right to do so.  Now he is his usual placid self again.

    I have done a lot of fostering, so MY dogs are used to other dogs coming and being part of the household.  And my somewhat younger dogs have been born in my home to a fostered bitch, so there wasn't ever an issue.  But, it takes a LOT of work, and a LOT of training to get dogs to accept newcomers to the pack, and especially when you have THAT many dogs to work with.

    I do strongly suggest that you cut back, but only you can know what the right number is for you or for your family.

    • Silver

    Thanks. Yeah. Husband doesn't help me with the dogs. It's my thing. I doesn't care what I do. But he does agree we have too many. And if they are not going to get along then I should find them new homes. It is just hard letting them go. But I know things will be more mangable around here. And the three I decided to rehome will have a better life. I hope.

    I have people interested in them. I will be calling thier vets today to do a reference check. One is a poodle rescue. She want me to call her vet to do a check. Which I will.

    Maybe after they have all gone thier new homes and thing calm down around here. I'll be able to come back on with good stories. Instead of asking for help.

    I know once they are gone things will change within the pack. Hopefully everone will continue to get along.

    Thank You

    • Silver

    Three of the dogs went to a rescue yeaterday. I miss them. But the stress level in the house went form a10 to a 0.

    We now have 7 dogs. It will be much more manageable. Hopefully I will find out how they are doing today.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Shany, usually the definition of animal hoarding is not based solely on the number of animals.  People who hoard tend to have no insight into the fact that some of the animals are ill, or not happy.  You seem to have had the capacity to realize that the environment was not good for some of the dogs, so you did the right thing by seeing that they get a chance at a good home in an environment that is better for them.  I think it is easy for someone who loves animals to become overwhelmed, especially if they are new at introducing new dogs into large groups.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I totally agree with Anne.  And yes, it is hard to let them go, and I think most of us realize that.  Bottom line is the best interest of the whole pack and it sounds like you found the answer to that.  I know that your heart hurts, but you've made the very BEST choice for everyone involved.

    Perhaps with fewer dogs, so things are not so overwhelming, you might be able to get your hubby interested in doing things with the dogs.  When you have more time to focus on training, etc, he might find them more fun.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Someone told me I am bordering on hoarding. Maybe it's true? I don't know. My house is not dirty. My dogs go the bathroom outside. They are all vetted and well groomed. They all get their turns going for walks. Is it hoarding or just a love of dogs? Am I over doing my personal limit. I do have a kennel licence for 10 dogs. I know I can't exceed that.

    Sorry -- no one should be accusing you and I agree with everything the others have said.  But I have to give you HUGE credit for the decisions you are making. 

    Among those of us who love dogs there comes this feeling that when someone asks you can you "help" or "take this ONE?" our heart breaks and we want to do ANYTHING to help.

    My personal limit in our house is three.  Upon extreme occasion we have done four (Lil Ms. Kee Shu was very elderly when she came to live with us but once she went over Rainbow Bridge we will NOT 'replace' her nor take another one unless some extremely special circumstance should arise). 

    I don't like to 'do' things separately.  As I've gained more experience, I know that part of my "fun" is doing things with the dogs.  Going to dog events, doing pet therapy, or just going somewhere with them.  And it's impossible to do that with more than 3 and it's a HUGE challenge to do it with just three. 

    We've found a really easy little measuring tool that works in OUR home.  I have a tiny house and a postage stamp kitchen (wait a second -- some stamps are *bigger* than my kitche!!!) but it only has THREE corners in it.  That means I only have 3 places to put dog bowls without somebuddy standing on somebuddy else while they eat.  3 corners = peaceful meals (I never free feed -- and I supervise while they are eating). 

    WE who love animals often don't realize the concessions we've made to fit in "one more dog".  So ... just to reinforce your own decisions, think back to what things YOU really and truly enjoy doing with the dogs.  Was there something you **used to do** that you can't do any more because ... well, it doesn't work with X dogs?? or "I haven't done THAT since we got ___________!!!"

    In other words -- you've gotten to a point now where you have likely gotten rid of the instigators (the dogs who tend to pick trouble).  And now you can really refine what your own true personal limit is.  not just where you aren't bursting at the seams ... but what really does work the *best*.

    I want to emphasize that I'm not telling you to get rid of more dogs -- not at all.  But you've done a tremendous job of analyzing your own situation -- but don't stop there.  Simply because as time passes you may either get the opportunity to re-home another (who might truly benefit -- or perhaps someone you know who really **needs** this dog for companionship, etc.) -- then you can honestly address with yourself "Hmm, 6 is even better than 7 and I can enjoy them more" or whatever.

    Because ALL of us who have more than one dog have had that person come to us and say "Well, you already have dogS!!  Can you take ____?

    And why when they say "you have dogS" that "s" on the end SO comes out emphasized and in capitals?? It does!!  (and usually these well-intentioned people say "dogS" in a tone of voice that implies that anyone who has more than one is more than slightly off their rocker!!)

    I am FAR more the "dog person" than my husband is .. but I have learned (the hard way) that it's not worth the strain on my relationship with David to have more dogs than our house will hold. (and he can be every bit as soft-hearted as I am!)

    Good luck to you -- and gosh, it's nice to meet you.  Never worry about having "questions" -- this is a darned good group of folks!!!  Very supportive.


    • Silver

    Yes, I do remember a time when it was easier. It was a long time ago. When my husband and I bought our first house. We had already had a dog when we bought our house. Then after we bought the house. I had always wanted to get a dobie. So we did. Then one day a friend asked us to take in this puppy cause they coundn't keep it. So of course I took him. Back then I thought 3 dogs were a lot. After my dobie died.(he got out of the yard while I was at work and got hit by a car) We just had the 2 dogs. That was real nice only having the 2. They got to go for a walk everyday. It was fun taking them to the park to run. Then we got a poodle and the rest is history. We had to buy out second house so we would have more room for the dogs. Plus we wanted to get out of the city.

    The dogs we have now all get turns going for a walk. So they get at least one walk a week. They get less walks in the winter. My Toy Fox Terriers and Rat Terriers hate the cold. They don't even like to go outside to go bathroom in the winter. Got to shove them out the door. They would rather stay under a blanket all day(so would I).  

    Even tho it was so much easier having only two dogs. I don't think I could ever go down to two now.

    I know 7 is still a lot. But, as of right now everyone is getting along. And hopefully it will stay that way. 

    I tried to post a picture of them but it wouldn't work for me. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or not. But, I will try again.

    Thank you everyone for your help.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Shany, as I said before, I would NOT do it again....having six gsds.  I have two other people in the house and my husband is as committed as I am, and my son will at least help out in a pinch.

    I really dread back to back to back rainy days for my crew.  Those are the days that they usually just pop out on a tie out to take care of business.  And the lack of exercise really shows.  Normally I'll take two out at a time and they all get a minimum of 30 minutes running time off lead.  And then they get a potty walk in the evening, and anytime in between they just go out on a tie out one at a time.  But when they don't get that morning romp?  They are antsy allllll day.

    We love these guys.....BOTH of us, and usually my son does as well, but, they are a ton of work.

    • Gold Top Dog

    One observation I have (not just in this thread, but in general) is that it seems many people think that because the dogs are very small, it's easier to have more of them.  To me, a dog is a dog.  Having 10 rat terriers in the house would be the same as having 10 German shepherds in the house (*shudder*).  Other than the bedding being smaller and the food being less, all dogs regardless of size will require individual training, socialization, exercise, and time spent with the owner.  They will all have their own temperaments, quirks, and needs for personal space.

    As far as this thread, I wouldn't call someone a hoarder with only this amount of information.  Just the fact that you came here and sought advice is something that I don't see hoarders doing (they tend to think that there's nothing wrong, everything is under control).  Also the fact that you are evaluating your own personal limits and what is best for the animals is not something a true hoarder would do (they would be blind to unsanitary conditions or behavioral problems).

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yes Leis!!  Especially that bit about 10 german shepherds!

    • Silver

    Wow, Glenmar. I can't imagine having to tie them out one at a time.  You definitely have your hand full. We are lucky enough to have the yard all fenced in. So they all go out at once. The dog door is open all day (unless I'm not here) for them to go in and out when they need too.

    My sister has 4 dogs. One is a Shepherd. I couldn't imagine having 6 or OMG 10 of those!  But her Shepherd never gets walked. She is off the wall.

    My husband isn't commited as I would like him to be. But if he gets up before me. He will let some of them out. Thats his extent of his commitment towards the dogs.

    I know what you mean about your son usually loves them as well. My son sometimes gets irritated with them. But he loves to go out back and play with them with me. And he likes to help give them all cookies in the evening. He did cry when we dropped off the dogs. He didn't want Frenzy to go. It made me feel so bad I almost considered keeping Frenzy. It was the first time I ever seen him actually pet him. But once Frenzy was gone. He was fine and understood why he had to go. And now he will get a better home.

    It is definitely much calmer and quieter here with 3 dogs less. I thought I would be balling and depressed about losing them. But I'm accually kinda relived. I still miss them. But, I know they are in good hands. And she is going to keep me updated on them. I talked her already once and they are all doing good.