Posted : 9/24/2010 6:14:54 PM
Thanks for the offer, Heather. The suggestions are for a friend who I'm trying to guide towards the +R way of training. He & his family have adopted a Beagle who has developed a neat skill of getting ON the counter & eating anything in sight. I'm TRYING to help him see that there are OTHER ways besides a shock collar to change behaviors.
I'll recommend these books to him. Thanks ladies. My friend asked me today what he should do. I'm not sure if he was joking or not about the shock collar but the timing was very bad for him. I'm still very raw about losing Aspen & he's saying he's going to use a shock collar on his dog or he's getting rid of the dog. He got an ear full from me. He willingly brought the dog into his house & he owes it to the dog to TRY & work out this problem. Unfortunately all the work is going to fall on his wife's shoulders since she's the one who's at home. I recommended that he put Bandit in a crate with a Kong filled with goodies while all food prep & eating is being done. I thought it was a brilliant idea if I do say so myself. :)
Anyway, since he asked, he's going to get everything I have on information & knowledge to save the poor dog being rehomed again because his owner will not stand up to his end of the deal.
OOPS, sorry, I'm preaching to the choir here. Boy it felt good to get that off my chest. DH just rolls his eyes when I go off on a dog related rant.