Posted : 4/3/2010 5:34:30 PM
I guess I don't understand how "gentle pressure" on the back of the dog's neck is really any incentive to quit pulling. Nikon works protection in a prong collar on the live ring and doesn't even blink, talk about pulling into some pressure. Maybe on a really sensitive or low-key dog it might work, but if the tool is "guaranteed" for a puller, I don't see it stopping the dog at all. Based on how it works it seems one might have better luck with a martingale fitted up high on the neck. Ironically, the most use Nikon ever got out of his Gentle Leader was learning TO pull forward for SV (German style) conformation. The oppositional reflex created with the head halters taught him to pull forward with his head up.
I do like that it clips at the back, in the middle, whereas the GL always seems to be cranking the dog's head to the side if your dog truly is a puller.