Growling Doesn't Work

    • Gold Top Dog

    Growling Doesn't Work

    Lol, guess we'll all have to stop growling at our dogs.  (Who would really do this???)  Seriously, though, yet another study of the effects of aggressive behavior by humans being counterproductive at rehabilitating dogs...

    • Gold Top Dog

    so these people were in a lab setting kicking and hitting dogs, or bringing people into the lab with that express purpose? Nice. Did they press charges on the people kicking and hitting their dogs right there in front of them or simply take notes, and then allow them to leave?


    • Gold Top Dog

    Um, no.  I'm pretty sure they garnered the information from the behavioral questionnaires that were submitted when the people made the appointments, plus the results of the interviews with those owners.  You would not believe what people will actually tell you when they fill those things out!  And, just the other day, I saw a craigslist post from a person who wanted advice about how to make her dog "stay" because spanking hadn't worked.  You can't make this stuff up...

    Stick out tongue